dws-pure-water-cedi-dohuk2-770pxPure Water Group received another order for the delivery of an advanced Electro Deionization (EDI) system for the combined cycle power plant Dohuk in Kurdistan, northern Iraq.

The 60 m3/h EDI system is for Pure Water Group a third line extension of earlier supplied equipment.

Special specifications
The EDI systems are part of a water treatment project executed by the Austria company GWT Gesellschaft für Wasser- und Wärmetechnik GmbH, Leobersdorf and contains various integrated features to comply with the hot and dusty local environment.

To fulfill with the extremely low sodium, chloride and silica product water specifications the specially developed VNX55-EP modules were selected.

Previous delivery
Earlier this year, four other EDI systems, each with a capacity of 50 m3/h were also shipped to Iraq for a gas power plant in Mansuriya and a thermal power station in Sulamaniyah respectively.

These deliveries are part of the strategic oil production capacity execution plans allocated by the Iraqi Ministry of electricity.

dws-pure-water-cedi-dohuk-350pxAbout Continuous Electro Deionization
Continuous Electro Deionization (CEDI) is a continuous electrochemical process that is applied after reverse osmosis (RO).

A CEDI-system purifies the RO product water to a constant quality (ultra) pure water.

During this process most of the remaining ions are removed from the product water, including weakly ionized materials, like silicates and CO2.

About Pure Water Group
Pure Water Group is a leading manufacturer of high purity and ultra pure water equipment and is highly specialized in the Continuous Electro Deionization technology.

As Ionpure 'Master Service Provider' it distributes modules and systems from its European warehouse to water system integrators across the world.

The water treatment equipment is implemented in the process and power industry, the pharmaceutical industry and at hemodialysis centers.

This news item was originally published on the website of Pure Water Group.

More information
Pure Water Technologies
Sprundel, the Netherlands
+31 165 348 253