Passing the Baton - 10 years Partners for Resilience
Coming up: Partners for Resilience’s global ccnference Passing the baton, on 11-12 November. Partners will share experiences on strengthening community resilience based on 10 years of working in partnership.

Over the past ten years, Dutch non-for-profit organisations worked together in the Partners for Resilience programme on the implementation of families and communities by integrating ecosystems and climate change into disaster risk reduction for families and communities.
The partnering organisations are Netherlands Red Cross (lead agency), CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, and Wetlands International. The programme is funded by the Dutch government.
The first projects of the programme focused on reducing the impact of disasters and on strengthening the resilience of local communities.In nine countries: Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, India, Kenya, Mali, Nicaragua, Philippines, Uganda.
The partners jointly worked in projects that showed the types of policies, practices and investments needed in these countries to reduce the impact of disasters.
The recent projects have a focus on strenthening the capacity of civil society to engage in dialogues with stakeholders for improved disaster risk reduction policies, practices, and investments.
The conference will discuss the learnings of the programme. On 11 November, a Knowledge Fair will take place with over 30 sessions covering topics from 'Youth mobilization for resilience building' to 'Climate Finance tracking in practice'.
On the 12th of November the partnert ship will host a 2 hour plenary session to jointly look back on 10 years of building community resilience and will reflect on what is ahead of us in this area of work.