International consultancy Arcadis announced that it has acquired Geohidrología Consultores (GeoHidrología), one of the largest hydro consulting companies in Chile with 55 employees.

Arcadis acquired 100% of the shares from the management of the company, who will remain within the firm. Financial details were not disclosed.

More comprehensive solutions
Hernán Bezamat, CEO of Arcadis Chile (second left on photo) said: "The hydrogeology expertise is essential for many studies and projects that Arcadis currently develops for mining clients and government agencies, such as tailings deposits, waste rock dumps, tailings and water dams as well as for environmental impact analysis. Arcadis and GeoHidrología will deepen their diversified offers of solutions to their customers through synergies that strengthen us as leaders in the Chilean and regional market of engineering and consultancy".

Pablo Rengifo, CEO of GeoHidrología (right on photo), highlighted: "This merger will allow us to offer our customers more comprehensive solutions in the field of water resources and environmental hydrogeology, promoting the development and internationalization of GeoHidrología".

Grondwater modelling firm

GeoHidrología, headquartered in Santiago was established in 2006 as a groundwater resources and groundwater modeling firm. Initially, the company focused on government agencies but soon it also became active for private sector companies, especially for the mining sector. In response to client demands it has developed capabilities in surface hydrology, environmental and hydraulic engineering services.

More recently the company has added geothermal resources capabilities to assist its clients in reducing their energy consumption. In addition the company offers environmental services.

Private and public clients
GeoHidrología has successfully performed projects for private and public clients in the mining and water utility sectors, including copper mining companies like Codelco, SQM and Collahuasi; Aguas Andinas, the largest sewerage and drinking water utility of Chile, Chilean Water Agency (DGA), and Chilean National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin).

Arcadis has successfully worked together with GeoHidrología on projects in the past. Water is a scarce resource for mining clients in Chile.

With the acquisition of Geohidrologia, Arcadis is adding the core capability of hydrogeological engineering and becomes the market leader in this field.

About Arcadis
Arcadis is a leading international company providing consultancy, design, engineering and management services in infrastructure, water, environment and buildings. The company develops, designs, implements, maintains and operates projects for companies and governments. With 21,000 people and 2.4 billion euro in revenues, it has an extensive international network supported by strong local market positions.

Arcadis supports UN-HABITAT with knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of life in rapidly growing cities around the world.

This news item was originally published on the website of Arcadis.

More information
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
+31 20 2011 011

Santiago, Chile
+ 56 2 244 918 80