World Water Day 2020
World Water Day, on 22 March, is about water and climate change – and how the two are inextricably linked. According to the organizer of this event, UN Water, we cannot afford to wait to adapt to the water effects of climate change. Everyone has a role to play.

More efficient water use
World Water Day is devoted to drawing public attention to the condition of water infrastructure and issues associated with their restoration and protection. The role of water in achieving sustainable development cannot be overemphasized.
Using water more efficiently will reduce greenhouse gases.
Sustainable future
In July 2019 UN Water published a policy brief on water and climate change. The report calls more investment in improved hydrological data, institutions and governance, education and capacity development, risk assessment and knowledge sharing.
Policies need to ensure the representation, participation, behavioral change and accountability of all stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society. Adaptation plans need to incorporate targeted strategies that assist lower-income populations – those who are disproportionately affected by climate change impacts – to navigate new conditions
To create a sustainable future, business as usual is no longer an option and water management needs to be scrutinized through a climate resilience lens.
All over the world, people put on a variety of events and activities every year, such as concerts, film screenings, competitions, debates, press conferences, exhibitions, fun runs, marches, tree planting and much more.
On the World Water Day website is a global map that shows all events that are organized.