dws-aiww2015-wri-vei-presentation-declercq-khan-770pxVitens Evides International (VEI) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for joining forces on green utilities.

The network aims to design and implement a 1 billion euro global green-gray water infrastructure investment programme.

The public launch of the network was part of the special track on utilities during the two-day conference of the Amsterdam international water week. 

CEO Lieve Declercq (top photo middle) of the Dutch water supply company Vitens and managing director Taqsem A. Khan (left) of Dwasa, Bangladesh, invited water utilities in the world to join the network by sigining up.

dws-aiww2015-wri-vei-green-utility-network-steer-schouten-350px   Director Andrew Steer (left) of WRI and director Marco Schouten (right) of VEI on the occasion of signing the MoU to join forces on realisation of green-gray water infrastructure.

Scaling up green-gray water infrastructure
The Green Utility Network will bring together commitments, resources, and knowledge to implement and scale-up green-gray water infrastructure globally.

The network is an answer to the challenges the world faces in the coming years: a growing water demand, ageing dams and treatment plants and more extreme floods and droughts which threaten our water security and drive up water management costs.

Catalyzing global movement
VEI and the WRI seek to catalyze a global movement through the Green Utility Network to enhance water security, strengthen climate resilience, and bolster economic development for 100 million people through a 1 billion euro investment in green-gray water infrastructure to transform how utilities invest in water management.

Focus on water resources
Todd Gartner emphasized the need for utilities not only to concentrate on engineered facilities - the gray - only, but also focus on the natural resources where they get their water from - the green.

The Green Utility Network is officially launched on Wednesday 4 November during the Utility Leaders Forum at the Amsterdam International Water Week Conference.

At the conference CEO Lieve Declercq (top photo middle) of the Dutch water supply company Vitens and managing director Taqsem A. Khan (left) of Dwasa, Bangladesh, invited water ulities in the world to join the network by sigining up.

Signing up is possible on the special website Green Utility Network.

This news item was originally published on the website of Vitens Evides International.

More information
Green utility network

Vitens Evides International
Utrecht, the Netherlands
+31 30 288 8851


World resource institute
Washington, USA
+1 202 729 7600