dws-oxfam-zimbabwe-drought-food-supply-770pxDutch aid organisations, united in Dutch Relief Alliance, has unveiled a 3.5 million euro fund to mitigate the effects of the El Nino induced drought through a number of strategies including providing crop and livestock inputs in the affected areas.

Oxfam Zimbabwe leads the implementation of the project that involves seven other non-governmental organisations, including Plan International Zimbabwe, Terres De Homes, World Vision, International Rescue committee, Cordaid and ICCO/Act-Alliance.
These organisations have joined hands under Zimbabwe joint drought response (ZIMJR) initiative to implement the project.

Mitigation measures include rehabilitation of existing water points and drilling of new water points.

dws-oxfam-zimbabwe-drought-agreement-350pxOxfam Zimbabwe presenting its support to the drought response initiative.

Food insecurity
An extreme El-Nino-induced drought drives food insecurity in Zimbabwe. Agriculture is particularly vulnerable because of the heavy reliance of smallholder farmers on rain-fed maize production.

The effects of two consecutive years of drought are evident in widespread crop failure, livestock deaths and dwindling livelihood and income-earning options for the rural population.

In February Zimbabwe declared a state of disaster in regions affected by the drought. The crisis has left 4 million people severely hungry and in need of humanitarian aid until the next harvest season in March 2017.

The joint response initiative is to provide humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people, while at the same time promoting early recovery strategies to avoid dependencies and ensure that humanitarian assistance can be scaled down at the time of the next harvest.

The Dutch Relief Alliance supports this joint response to be implemented in several districts.

More water points
The support includes food assistance through cash or direct food, crop and livestock inputs. At schools supplementary food is supplied feed and special support is given to maternal and neo-natal mothers.

In relation to water supply, excisting water points are rehabilitated and new water points are drilled. In additional hygiene is promoted.

Dutch Relief Alliance
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs made available a relief fund of which a total of 120 million Euros is to be spent through this Dutch Relief Alliance during 2015-2017.

The alliance contributes to more effective spending of available emergency funding, and a swifter process once humanitarian crises occur.

Organisations that are part of the Dutch relief alliance are CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Dorcas, ICCO Cooperation, Oxfam Novib, Plan Nederland, Save the Children, Tear, Terre des Hommes, Stichting Vluchteling, War Child, World Vision and ZOA.

Per crisis one of the members acts as lead organization.

In response to the El Nino food crisis in Africa, the Dutch Government proposed a total of 10.4 million euro for emergency relief in the three countries: 4.4 million for Ethiopia, 3.5 million euro for Zimbabwe and 2.5 million euro for Somalia.

This news item is based on a original publication on the website of Oxfam Zimbabwe.

More information
Dutch Relief Alliance
p/o Oxfam Novib
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 342 16 21 