African Water Facility approves Cordaid's sanitation service project in slum of Kisumu, Kenya
Cordaid, together with its partners Kiwasco, Vitens Evides International and the Kenyan NGOs SANA and Umande Trust, will implement the project 'Innovative sanitation value chain for the unsewered urban poor' in Kisumu, Kenya.
Cordaid’s call for proposal regarding its innovative sanitation value chain has been approved by the African Water Facility of the African Development Bank in the beginning of October.

Financing needs
African Water Facility funds will contribute 1,2 million euro, representing 56% of the total project cost.
The recipient and collaborating partners will contribute the remainder amounting to 948,000 euro, mainly through the establishment of a micro-credit facility for household sanitation at local banks.
The approved project has a duration of 36 months and will benefit 48,000 urban poor, out of the total 60,000 inhabitants living in the slum Manyatta, and a total subsequent reach of 240,000 urban poor living in Kisumu.
Kisumu is the third largest city in Kenya and has three crowded slums located within town. One of the slums is Manyatta.

Viable sanitation services
The project will introduce and demonstrate viable sanitation service delivery for un-sewered urban poor living in Manyatta and other informal settlements of Kisumu.
Specifically, the project will:
● increase hygiene awareness and sanitation coverage in Manyatta
● establish a (private) company for faecal sludge and urine collection and transport
● demonstrate the potential for valorization and marketing of faecal sludge and urine for energy and fertilizer production
● upscale project outcomes to all informal settlements of Kisumu
● disseminate to 20 other cities and 50 water service providers in Kenya.
With the Sanitation Value Chain, Cordaid connects all relevant stakeholders to establish a sustainable market driven chain to provide sanitation services in slums.
About Cordaid
Cordaid is a global development organization whose mission is to create flourishing, self-reliant communities in the world’s most fragile and conflict-affected areas.
Cordaid’s long term commitment is to improve the lives of people living in Kisumu. Cordaid Urban Matters focuses on urban neighborhoods and brings key stakeholders together to work on a common agenda for change and development.
It actively seek cooperation with local authorities, residents, local entrepreneurs and non-governemental organisations as well as professionals, companies and knowledge institutions through public-private partnerships.
This news item was originally published on the website of Cordaid.
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