Amsterdam International Water Week: take the world stage with bright ideas on sustainable water solutions
The Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW) conference 2015 call for papers is open. The third edition of this biannual global conference again seeks bright ideas on sustainable water solutions.
Do you have an idea on how water solutions can contribute to a circular economy that deserves to be heard at the unique cross cutting international platform? Submit your paper to the AIWW conference, part of the Amsterdam International Water Week.
The Amsterdam International Water Week conference 2015 will take place on 2-6 November 2015. The conference theme will be 'Integrated solutions for a Circular economy and Resilient cities'
The outline paper submission closes on 14 February 2015. Outline papers can be submitted online.
Tomorrows'water challenges
Tomorrows’ water challenges call for a transition to an innovative, integrated approach. The AIWW conference is the platform for this debate.
A circular, green economy with water at the core of cross-sectorial sustainable development is a global priority
Within the main theme, the AIWW conference focuses on three subthemes and cross cutting themes:
Urban utilities & the Circular economy
●desalination of seawater and brackish groundwater
● trade-off between resources and energy from the water cycle
● artificial recharge for sustainable use of groundwater as source for drinking water
● improving efficiency of networks
● integrated water cycle management
● information driven operations: smart water grids, social media and more
● smart asset management
● other relevant topics
Sustainable production & industrial response: Reduce, reuse and recover
● industrial water use and climate change (flood and drought)
● reducing the climate footprint of water and energy
● industrial water use and discharge
● water efficient food production
● water management for oil and gas
● corporate risk management and water
● other relevant topics
Urban resilience & adaptation to climate change
● water resilient approaches for Delta’s
● water resilient urban design
● land use, development and resilience
● disaster preparedness, response and recovery
● multi-barrier approach to resilience
● synergies of natural and built infrastructure
● other relevant topics
Full week event
The Amsterdam International Water Week combines several events, offering a unique combination of solutions, policy and science:
● AIWW conference: the global conference on integrated water solutions, inspiring key notes and sessions, the Industry Leaders Forum (ILF), Utility Leaders Forum (ULF), Delta Leaders Forum (DLF), 40 international delegations, debate and networking opportunities.
● Aquatech Amsterdam: Europe’s leading water technology exhibition offers 25.000m2 overview of innovative solutions, 850 exhibitors, 20.000 visitors
● Excursions in the Dutch living lab: Visit best practices on the frontier of land and water
● Sarphati Sanitation Award: Be inspired by outstanding entrepreneurs in the field of water and sanitation
● Young professionals programme: Get to know tomorrows’ water leaders.
Make the connection, come to the Amsterdam International Water Week. Register for the newsletter on:
This news item was originally published on the website of the Amsterdam International Water Week.
More information (call for papers)
International Water Association (IWA)
Joao Grilo, Programmes Officer