dws-aaws-gujarat-ro-epgl-770pxAqua-Aero Watersystems installed a reverse osmosis installation in Gujarat, India, to purify saline groundwater. In ten villages the drinking water is sold at a water shop.

Local villagers can buy the water with an ATM client card at a price of 0,35 INR or 0,47 eurocent per liter.

Only water source
Saline groundwater is a major problem in Gujarat, India. Especially for poor people who do not have enough money to buy clean bottled drinking water or save money to buy their own water purifier. Their income is an average 3-4 euro/day and they simply have to coop with the situation.

Saline groundwater is their only source of drinking water.

Negative health effects
Consumption of saline water causes serious health problems, especially for pregnant women, elderly and children: Painful joints, high blood pressure, brittle bones and stomach problems are among the health effects frequently noticed.

Together with business partners, non-profit Dutch aid organisation Cordaid and the for-profit Indian consultancy on corporate social responsibility Environment Planning Group Limited (EPGL), Aqua-Aero Watersystems undertook action in ten villages in the Indian state of Gujarat.

dws-aaws-gujarat-pay-system-350px  Villagers can tap their drinking water with their ATM client card at any time.

Robust business model
Aqua-Aero Watersystems developed a robust business model for providing good quality water and discussed it with the local villagers. Once the model was approved and investors were found, the needed technology was bought and installation of the shops took place.

Saline water is now purified using a reverse osmosis system and local villagers buy the water at a price of 0,35 INR or 0,0047 euro/liter. Billing is done automatically and people pay for the water using a debt card. New credits can be simply bought in the nearby grocery store.

About Aqua-Aero Watersystems
AAWS has been working on sustainable businesses from 2002 onwards. In 2004 the company started its first water shops in which a combination of water and energy was sold. In 2006 AAWS was granted the World Bank Development Award for small Water Innovations.

The company developed a unique water franchise model on which small water shops in Indonesia and India were established. More recent the model was expanded with automatic billing systems.

This news item was originally published on the website of Aqua-Aero Watersystems.

More information
Aqua-Aero Watersystems
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 15 212 961