Aquaterra & Dutch Delta Congress: no panacea for adaptive water management in world's large deltas
Aquaterra 2011 and the 2nd Dutch Delta Congress will focus on the risk management of and new possibilities for the development of delta and coastal areas, approaching the issues from all angles – from economic and financial aspects to safety and planning. Over 700 experts from all over the world will gather in Amsterdam for three days to exchange their experiences.
Aquaterra - world forum on delta & coastal development (1-2 november)
The expected climate change will have great effects on the densely populated low lying delta areas around the world. At the third Aquaterra 2011 conference this effects will be discussed by experts from different delta areas discuss. Deltas are characterized by their complicated water systems – the place where the fresh water of rivers meets the salt water of sea, the low and high tides, the continuously moving shorelines and sedimentation. The Aquaterra 2011 will take place on Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 November in Amsterdam.
No panacea - customize approaches
With the likely effects of climate change still to come and the foreseen growth of coastal cities, the strain on the dynamic natural system will sharply increase. There is no panacea for the problems of deltas. On the contrary – the number of studies on climate change and climate adaptation is still increasing and the results are far from univocal. The matter is complex and solutions require customized approaches, while experts are increasingly expected to predict consequences and find ways to avoid negative impacts.
Regional cases
As with previous editions of Aquaterra, a number of deltas were selected for experts to discuss in concrete terms, allowing them to learn from each other's approach. New on the programme this year is the Danube. This year the regional cases are:
- Mississippi, New Orleans (US)
- Rhine/Meuse, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- Ciliwung, Jakarta (Indonesia)
- Ganges/Brahmaputra/Meghna (Bangladesh & India)
- Danube (Europe)
- Incomati/Zambezi , Beira (Mozambique)
- Mekong, Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
- Nile (Egypt)
- California Bay (US)
Full programme of Aquaterra:
Dutch Delta Congress - (3 November)
The Second Dutch Delta Congress will take place on Thursday 3 November during the International Water Week in Amsterdam. Government Commissioner for the Dutch Delta Programme, Wim Kuijken, has taken the initiative for this congress, which will focus on the Delta Programme 2012. Special attention will be given to the various individual Delta programmes, showcasing the Dutch expertise on water management in all it facets.
The congress will start with prominent keynote speakers reflecting on the focus and current dynamic of the Delta Programme from a broad perspective. Prime Minister Mark Rutte and State Secretary Joop Atsma of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment are attending the congress.
The aim of the Dutch Delta Programme – a new Delta Plan – is to protect the country from high water now and in the future, and to secure the fresh-water supply. The programme seeks a new way of planning, which is called adaptive delta planning. It seeks to maximise flexibility; keeping options open and avoiding ‘lock-in’. In the meantime, the so-called delta decisions are prepared in order to be able to take the necessary measures if the current water system reaches its limits.
The whole national climate adaptation plan is based on the 5 Dutch D’s:
- Delta Act
- Delta Programme
- Delta Fund
- Delta Commissioner
- Delta Decisions
During the congress various discussions will take place on subjects including water safety, the freshwater supply and drought, and adaptive delta management. Also part of the congress is the Delta Parade, an exhibition on the nine projects that form the Delta programme. The exhibition shows what the Delta Programme stands for and what the current state of affairs is.
Full programme of Dutch Delta Congress:
More on the International Water Week
Both Aquaterra and the Dutch Delta Congress are part of the International Water Week. Other related events are:
- Aquatech Amsterdam trade fair
- Integrated Aqua Solutions exhibition
- Excursions to Dutch water 'hot spots'
- Conference Water Cities in Transition
Full programme of the International Water Week: