BAM Nutall and VolkerStevin have won a place on Environment Agency’s (EA) Next Generation Supplier Arrangements which will continue to deliver a 2.6 billion UK pound programme to better protect homes from flooding and coastal erosion.

The Environment Agency announced the new set of supplier arrangements for different parts of England on 17 April. The programme aims to better protect 300,000 homes up to 2021 and beyond.

Collaborative working

The new supplier arrangements are meant to stimulate innovative and collaborative working with delivery partners and local communities from the initial planning stages of a project right through to its completion.
The arrangements are to result in a higher flood protection and to ensure that sustainable development is at the core of EA’s projects.

Involving communities

The new supplier arrangements will also lead to longer term team working and new ways of engaging with local organisations and communities.
This closer working will ensure that homes, communities and businesses are receiving the best possible flood and coastal management for the challenges facing their area.
At the same time flood and coastal defence projects will promote economic growth, social well being and will seek to enhance levels of natural capital within the local community, making sure that each scheme brings long-lasting benefits for future generations.

VolkerStevin installing a sheet pile wall along the river Arun in Littlehampton
VolkerStevin installing a sheet pile wall along the river Arun in Littlehampton (photo: VolkerStevin).
VolkerStevin installing a sheet pile wall along the river Arun in Littlehampton
VolkerStevin installing a sheet pile wall along the river Arun in Littlehampton (photo: VolkerStevin).

Value for money

Toby Willison, Executive Director of Operations at the Environment Agency, said: "This ambitious new framework will help us to continue to deliver our £2.6 billion flood and coastal defence programme in a way which ensures that sustainability, efficiency and value for money remain at the very heart of the work we do to protect people, homes and the environment."

Low carbon solutions

The new arrangements are also a major step forward for delivering low carbon solutions for projects which will help the EA work towards the Government’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050.
The NGSA arrangements take effect immediately and run through to 2023 with the opportunity to extend to 2027.

This news item is based on content originally published on the websites of UK Government and BAM.