A delegation from the Ministry of Water Resources of the Government of Bangladesh, led by Secretary of the Ministry Mr. Kabir Bin Anwar, visited research institute Deltares and educational institute IHE Delft to sign Memorandums of Understanding (MoU). The MoUs were signed in Delft, the Netherlands on 13 February.

Deltares will be supporting the Ministry and their sub-ordinate institutes through capacity building, training and advice. While IHE Delft will enable capacity development of future young water professionals from Bangladesh.


 Signing the MoU at IHE Delft: dr. Kabir Bin Anwar (Water Resources Secretary) and prof. dr. Eddy Moors (Rector of IHE Delft).

River delta management
Bangladesh faces a challenging future given the impact of climate change and Deltares will particularly support their ability to perform applied research.

The MoU with Deltares will enable the Bangladesh ministry to have support from Deltares in water research, in many different fields of delta planning, such as river management, policy planning and water quantity and quality.

Tailor-made courses
The MoU with IHE Delft focusses on the capacity development of future young water professionals from Bangladesh through tailor-made short courses, MSc and PhD programmes.

These programmes including training courses on basin-wide water resources management; joint action research to identify innovative and practical solution for water resources management in Bangladesh.

This news item is based on press releases originally published on the website of Deltares and IHE Delft.

(Top photo: Secretary dr. Kabir Bin Anwar, of the Ministry of Water Resources of the Government of Bangladesh and professor dr. Jaap Kwadijk, Science Director at Deltares).

Read also on this website
RoyalHaskoningDHV to develop master plan for green field deep sea port, Bangladesh, 18 February 2019
Workshop on unlocking rainwater harvesting practises in Bangladesh, 6 March 2017
Dutch government signs agreement with Bangladesh and World Bank on financing adaptive delta management, 16 June 2015
BanDuDeltAS consortium to develop climate adaptation strategy for Bangladesh river delta, 31 October 2013
Expertise: Enabling delta life
Country: Bangladesh

More information
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 88 335 8273 

IHE Delft
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 15 2152321