Budapest Water Summit: Water governance and WASH central themes in Dutch contributions
From 8 to 12 October politicians, internationally renowned academics, hydrology professionals and decision makers will gather at the Budapest Water Summit, Hungary. The central theme they will discuss is the role of water of water and sanitation in global sustainable development.
The Budapest Water Summit is an important step in the staged process by the United Nations to develop new Sustainable Development goals (SDG) that are to replace the current UN Millennium development goals (MDG) as off 2015.
Increasing global water demand
Last month at the Stockholm Water Week, the global water community clearly advocated a stand-alone SDG-goal for water. The final decision on the SG-goals will be taken at the UN's General Assembly in September 2015.
In the meantime the global water community has to think of a way to address the issue of the increasing water demand and the need to save earth’s potable water reserves.
Forums for science, business, civil society, philanthropy and youth
The sessions of the water summit will discuss issues related to securing clean and healthy fresh water supplies, integrated water management, water policy management, traditional and innovative water technologies, as well as financing.
Parallel to the Plenary Sessions there will also be a Science Forum, a Civil Society Forum, a Youth Forum, a Business Leaders Forum and Expo, as well as a Philanthropy Roundtable organized.
See the overview and the full programma on the website Budapest Water Summit.
Final statement
The summit will be closed with a final statement. The draft version has already been published and a discussion is already at full swing on the Budapest Statement Digital Forum. Make your voice heard and join the discussion.
Dutch-related contributions
Experts from all over the world contribute to these forums. Several come from the Netherlands.
See below the Dutch contributions (including from experts related to Dutch-based organisations)
Wednesday - 9 October
Integrated water resources management in a changing world
• Jan Leentvaar, Professor, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Netherlands
• Ruth Mathews, Executive Director, Water Footprint Network
• Kenneth Irvine, Chair, Aquatic Ecosystems, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
Good water governance: Sustainable development
• Joyeeta Gupta, Professor, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
• Stefan Uhlenbrook, Professor, Vice Rector Academic and Student Affairs, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
High-level panel discussion: Good governance: is it existing?
• Ger Bergkamp, Executive Director, International Water Association (IWA)
The 'Big Picture' Plenary: global water trends and challenges from a business point of view presentation
• András Szöllősi-Nagy, Rector, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
Striving for universal access to water and sanitation
• Tobias Schmitz, Director, Operations, WaterLex
Behaviour change: sustainable investment in water, sanitation and hygiene (side event)
• Alexander Verbeek, ministry of Foreign affairs
Youth Forum: Integrated water resources management for the 21st century
• Johan Oost, Project Officer, World Water Academy, Netherlands
Thursday -10 October
Young professionals and senior professionals on water governance
• András Szöllősi-Nagy, Rector, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
• Stefan Uhlenbrook, Professor, Vice Rector Academic and Student Affairs, UNESCO-IHE
• Wouter T. Lincklaen Arriens, Leadership Coach and Advisor, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
Case studies: innovative company solutions – water use management
• Jan-Willem Vosmeer, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Heineken, the Netherlands
Friday - 11 October
Adoption of the Youth Statement and commitment to next steps
• Sarah Dickin, Research Assistant, United Nations University, Institute for Water, Environment and Health
• Rozemarijn ter Horst, Water Youth Network