Dredge Yard delivers cutter suction dredger ECO 200 to United Arab Emirates
Dredge Yard delivered a multipurpose cutter suction dredger ECO 200 to a real estate developer in the United Arab Emirates for the reshaping and maintenance of existing islands.
The ECO 200 dredger will be used for connecting some of the islands and deepening the sea entrance between the islands.
Changing coastlines
Due to current and erosion, the coast of the islands changes with the years. For this reason, it is necessary to perform periodical maintenance to keep the shape of the islands and maintain a pleasant beach.
In some areas the beach is flooded by new soft types of sand that makes it difficult for visitors to enjoy the beautiful clear waters of the Emirates.
In other places it is necessary to maintain the water depth for yachts and workboats to visit the area. Dredging is the only way to maintain artificial and natural shaped islands and beaches.

Heavy duty cutter head
The ECO 200 dredger is equipment with a heavy-duty cutter head and underwater dredge pump for high performance and for pumping a high-density mixture of sand.
The high dredging performance will speed up the dredging process to limit the time involved in maintenance.
For easy mobilization the dredger is provided with two hydraulic propulsions.
Small shallow waters
The ECO 200 Cutter Suction Dredger can pump the sand up to 1500m and dredge up to 6 meters depth.
One of the advantages of the ECO dredger is the use for dredging in small and shallow areas that are difficult for bigger dredgers to enter. The draft of the ECO dredger is only 0.7m.
About Dredge Yard
Dredge Yard is a company located in the Netherlands and United Arab Emirates. It is specialized in providing cutter suction dredgers, auger suction dredgers, and plain suction dredgers for multipurpose and cost-effective dredging.
Recently the company delivered several dredgers worldwide and serves customers in more than 30 countries.
This news item was originally published on the website of Dredge Yard.
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More information
Dredge Yard
Rotterdam, the Netherlands
+31 85 3035 866
Dregde Yard’s ECO200 tested on site in United Arab Emirates.