A coalition of Dutch companies and organisations signed an agreement to jointly invest and collaborate in a 3-year programme to support the Yangon Regional Government of Myanmar, in addressing critical challenges related to urban water and water logistics.

On the 31st of October, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Wouter Jurgens, presented the agreement to the Regional Chief Minister of Yangon, Phyo Min Thein.

The presentation coinciding with a 3-day innovation challenge in which 40 students from universities across Myanmar, developed and presented their own personal ideas for a more sustainable and resilient Yangon.

dws-yangon-consortium-uwly-young-prof-challenge-350px  Forty students participated in the Myanmar-Netherlands Water Challenge on water related assignments, including topics as Smart Port and Htee City. (Photo: Twitter)

Delivering on a promise
The agreement delivers on a promise by the coalition to regional chief minister Phyo Min Thein, in June this year, when he visited the Netherlands.

During that visit, he requested Dutch expertise and advise on key topics related to Urban Water: water supply, water resources, water governance and water innovation; and Water Logistics: Yangon sea port, river transport, river dredging and river tunnelling.

Multidisciplinary team
The Urban-Water-Logistics Yangon (UWLY) coalition is led by The Water Agency and consists of a multidisciplinary team of organisations, including Bosch Slabbers, CDR International, Doh Eain, Resilience, Royal HaskoningDHV, U.Minds, Van Oord and Witteveen+Bos.

The coalition is further supported with expertise from knowledge partners AMS Institute, TU Delft, Port of Rotterdam and Waternet.

dws-yangon-consortium-uwly-river-dala-350px River bank of the city of Yangon. (Photo: Commons/Wikipedia)

Water Agency
The Water Agency is a network orchestrator for the international water sector. It builds and develops networks of water professionals around the world.

Activating these networks, we create unique value by connecting people and organisations, facilitating knowledge exchange and driving co-creation and innovation among the members.

The network organisation operates in Singapore, Australia, Indonesia and Myanmar.

This news item was originally published on the ebsites of CDR Internastional and World Waternet.

(Top photo: Waternet)

 Read also on this website
Research team uses specially-made GPS trackers to chart Irrawaddy river, Myanmar, 31 January 2017
Delta Academy: forty students learn to deal with complex river delta issue, 19 May 2016
Expertise: Resilient cities
Country: Myanmar

More information
The Water Agency