Evides constructs plug&play water utility for new settlers biobased industry on Maasvlakte II, the Netherlands
The Port of Rotterdam Authority signed a long term cooperation agreement with utilitiy suppliers E.ON, Evides Industriewater, Stedin and Vopak to create an 80-hectare 'plug & play area' on its new section, Maasvlakte II.
The port and ulitity suppliers cooperate to offer mains services to businesses which want to set up a new plant in the bio-based cluster.
This cluster is planned on the newly developed port extension Maasvlakte II, that has become available recently following a 2,000 hectare land reclamation project.
Joint services are to include energy, water, pipelines and tank storage.
Evides has already extended its water distribution network into the newly reclaimed port area, including a 4 km main for drinking water (blue) and a 16 km main for industrial water (red).Special area for biobased industry
Bio fuels, bio energy and the bio chemical industry are in the spotlight throughout the world. Many companies recognise great benefits in sustainable energy generation and the processing of 'green' raw materials.
Hans Smits, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority: "This collaboration is a major step for the port of Rotterdam to grow into the international bio port."
An area of more than 80 hectares - about 120 football pitches - on Maasvlakte 2 has been reserved for innovative chemical industry based on renewable raw materials.
The port of Rotterdam also offers space for the expansion of industry based on renewable raw materials, especially on Maasvlakte 2.
Worldwide shipping of biomnass
"Bio-based industries are indispensable to the sustainable development of our port", according to Hans Smits. "However, it should not be taken for granted that the area will fill up quickly, as the port of Rotterdam as a place to establish businesses competes with locations around the globe".
Hans Smits is still convinced that the port of Rotterdam is highly attractive for new factories. 'Besides the benefits of scale, businesses can take maximum advantage of each other's presence in our Bio-based Cluster. The residual product from the one can be the raw material for the other.'
The current demineralised water plant of Evides Industriewater in the port of Rotterdam. It delivers process water to 15 surroundingrefineries and chemical industries
in the Dutch harbor.
About Evides Industriewater
Evides Industriewater offers tailor-made solutions in water treatment: rather than supplying full-scale plants.
It deliveries all-in water services to the chemical, petrochemical and food industry.
Based on Design, Build, Finance & Operate-contracts (DBFO) these water services include the supply of various types of process water, the treatment of waste water and the reuse of water (effluent).
This news item was originally published on the websites of Port of Rotterdam/Maasvlakte II and Evides Industriewater (in Dutch only).
More information
Evides Industriewater
Rotterdam, the Netherlands
+31 10 293 51 72