Experts on global water issues meet in Holland on series leading water events
A series of leading water events in The Netherlands will attract top experts from all over the world. The events cover a wide range of issues, including water technology, flood protection and water management.
A review of this year’s main international water expert events in the Netherlands in 2012:
- 1-2 Wetsus congress 2012
- 11 Innovative developments in anaerobic processes
- 23 - 24 Completion of the IAHS decade on Prediction in ungauged basins and the way ahead
- 4-6 New Developments in IT & Water
- 13-15 Hydro21 - Taking care of the sea
- 14 - 15 Building with nature
- 19 Room for the river
- 20 - 22 Flood Risk 2012
- 19 - 30 International Delft Software Days
Pre-announcement 2013
June 13-15
Water & city
Location: Delft, the Netherlands
Organisers: Delft University of Technology
International working conference on urban water management. The conference is to bring together experts and students from the fields of science, engineering, design and governance from all over the world, and get them to actively work together in workshops on one of four cases of cities around the world facing their own specific water ‘challenges’: Singapore, Jakarta, Rotterdam and New Orleans.
More information on the programme:
June 13-15
Emergency sanitation
Location: Delft, the Netherlands
Organisers:, Aldus
A three days workshop on sanitation concepts and technologies for the humanitarian sector. The workshop will bring together suppliers, experts from knowledge centres and humanitarian organizations on the subjects: elevated latrines, improved desludging options and sludge disposal and treatment.
More information on the programme:
June 18-19
Micropollutans, metabolites and mixtures
Location: Nieuwegein, the Netherlands
Organisers: AquaResearch Coalition, Norman Network, IWW water centre, KWR Watercycle research
Two day workshop on micropollutants, metabolites and mixtures (3Ms) in drinking water and its sources. Stakeholders, researchers and regulators will present, discuss and identify best practices in the field of toxicity assessment and regulatory approaches (what works), support consensus building and to prepare the ground for clear recommendations.
More information on the programme:
September 10-12
Membranes in drinking and industrial water production
Location: Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Organisers: European Desalination Society, in cooperation with Wetsus water technology research centre
International conference on the use of membranes for the production of drinking water and industrial water.
More information on the programme:
October 1-2
Wetsus congress 2012
Location: Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Organiser: Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology
Annual congress with presentations on leading international water treatment developments, including salinity power, monitoring, desalination, membrane filtration, decentralized santitation, nutrient recovery.
More information on the programme:
October 11
Innovative developments in anaerobic processes
Location: Wageningen, the Netherlands
Organiser: Waternetwerk/Technische commissie anaërobie
International symposium on innovative development in anaerobic processes. Besides presentations about innovations in general, also promising developments in anaerobic research at Dutch universities will be discussed. There will be special attention for Willy Verstraete - recently retired as a professor in Ghent University -as he will look back to the anaerobic past, but will also give his vision on the anaerobic future.
More information on the programme:
October 23-24
Completion of the IAHS decade on Prediction in ungauged basins and the way ahead
Location: Delft, the Netherlands
Organiser: IAHS
Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the International l Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), a symposium will be held on the completion of the IAHS decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB). The conference will report on the scientific achievements that were made during the decade and the insights that were gained.
More information on the programme:
November 4-6
New Developments in IT & Water
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Organiser: International Water Conferences
International conference on new IT technologies to improve operations with respect to water quality, costs and environmental emissions.
More information on the programme:
November 13-15
Hydro12 - Taking care of the sea
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Organiser: International Federation of Hydrographic Societies
The 17th European conference and exhibition for hydrographers surveying marine environments, with the latest update on hydrographic surveys, techniques (remote sensing), processing, post-processing
More information on the programme:
November 14-15
Building with nature
Organiser: Ecoshape
International congress about the results of the research programme Building with nature. This programme is aimed at gaining insight into the impact of hydraulic engineering projects on ecosystems. Around the world, hydraulic engineering projects are assessed during the development phase for their environmental impact
On Wednesday November 14th, there will be field trips and on Thursday, November 15th the results will be presented
More information on the programme:
November 19
Room for the river - an international benchmark for a new governance approach in flood risk management?
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Organizer: Programmabureau Ruimte voor de Rivier
Scientific conference on the international relevance of the program Room for the River, a large scale river project to build in more flexibility and robustness into the primary flood protection river infrastructure in the Netherlands.
(note: this conference is held in conjunction with the FloodRisk2012 conference)
More information on the programme:
November 20-22
Flood Risk 2012
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Organiser: (in cooperation with Dutch research programme Flood Control 2015)
International congress bringing together science, policy and practice on flood risk assessment and flood event management.
More information on the programme:
November 19-30
International Delft Software Days
Organiser: Deltares, TU Delft, Unesco-IHE
Location: Delft, the Netherlands
In addition to the Flood Risk congress, Deltares will organize the annual meeting of users of the all kind of open source Delft3D, Delft-FEWS, OpenDA, OpenEarthTools, SWAN and XBEACH
More information on the programme:
Pre-announcement for 2013:
International Water Week 2013 & Aquatech Amsterdam 2013
November 4-8, 2013
Location: Amsterdam
The second edition of the largest water event in Europe, dedicated to integrated solutions covering the entire water cycle. It bring together the worlds of water technology, integrated water resources and water management. The IWW/Aquatech features knowledge exchange and innovative solutions in water technology, water quality and water management at a local, national and international level.
More on the programme: