dws-dmc-xbloc-porto-albania-impression-770pxDutch company Delta Marine Consultants have signed a license agreement with Swiss company SEL AG for the use of XblocPlus in the Marina Porto Albania project. It will be the first international application of DMC’s latest version of XBloc armour units.

The Xbloc production is expected to start early 2019 and the objective is to complete the breakwaters by early 2020.

dws-dmc-xblocplus-unit-350px  XBlocPlus has been designed to achieve optimal interlocking between the blocks, providing more hydraulic stability.

Second high profile project
The blocks envisaged to protect the marina against severe storm waves in the Adriatic Sea are 2.5 m3 XblocPlus on the breakwater trunk in combination with 3 m3 Xbloc units on the breakwater head.

With six months after the market introduction, XblocPlus has already been selected for two high profile projects.

The first Dutch project with XblocPlus is the enforcement of the Afsluitdijk Project where the block is applied under the name Levvel-blocks, named after the Levvel consortium (Bam, Van Oord and Rebel) that will strengthen the levee on behalf of the Dutch national water authority Rijkswaterstaat.

dws-dmc-xbloc-porto-albania-twp-types-350px Impression of the combined use of the XBloc and the XBlocPlus on a breakwater.

Less concrete, less units
XblocPlus is a further development of the Xbloc which has been applied in breakwater constructions around the world over the past 15 years.

Compared to other blocks in the market, XblocPlus requires significantly less concrete and less blocks to cover the same breakwater.

Due to the similarity to roof tiles, the regular block placement of the new unit is fast, safe and efficient. It also gives breakwaters and shore protections a very smooth look.

In the Marina Porto Albania project both types will be used. The XblocPlus will be applied on the straight and mildly curved breakwater sections where the blocks can be placed fast and efficiently in the rooftile pattern whereas the flexibility of the original Xbloc unit will be used on the breakwater heads where it provides protection on the sharply curved surface area.

This news item was originally published on the website of XBloc and BAM.

(Photos: BAM/XBloc)

Read also on this website
Placement trials XBlocPlus armour units prior to reinforcement Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands, 12 August 2018
Levvel consortium presents innovative armour units to enforce Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands, 1 May 2018
4,500 Xblocs to protect new harbour of remote Chatham Islands, New Zealand, 18 January 2016
Expertise: Enabling delta life
Country: Albania

More information
Delta Marine Consultants / BAM
Gouda, the Netherlands
+31 182 590 610

XBloxPlus explained.