dws-ihe-delft-graduation-day-2018-770px-1It was again Graduation day at IHE Water, institute for water education, in Delft, the Netherlands. This year 138 water professionals from over 50 different countries celebrated the accomplishment of their 18 months of hard-work and received their graduation. The ceremony took place in the historical Old Church in Delft on 24 April. The graduates join the IHE Delft alumni family of over 15.000 alumni across the globe.

dws-ihe-delft-graduation-day-2018-moors-350px  Rector Eddy Moors of IHE Delft addressing the graduates in the Old Church in Delft, the Netherlands.

Generation of change
The ceremony began with rector of IHE Delft, Professor Eddy Moors welcoming everyone and thanking all donors who have made it possible to provide fellowships to a great number of students.

Eddy Moors: ‘They made it possible for you to come here, but also enabled us to send you back to make a difference in your home country’.

Key note speaker Niels Dierckx of Justdiggit, who urged the next generation of water professionals to make their marks in the world, said: ‘Think big, you are the generation with all the access and all the resources to solve the problems we currently have’.

dws-ihe-delft-graduation-day-2018-bereciartua-350px Former Argentinian IHE-student Pablo Bereciartua (left) receives from rector Moors a special token of appreciation in the striking blue tube that normally contains the diplomas.

Think differently
According to Dierckx the global water issues can only be addressed by thinking differently. ‘You have the tools to make it happen’.

Dierickx said to be honoured to speak in front of such an international audience. ‘The fact that there are so many people from all these different countries is unlike anything I have ever seen’.

Special appreciation
IHE Delft alumnus and State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water of Argentina, Pablo Bereciartua received a special token of appreciation for his work in the water field and continuous involvement with IHE Delft.

Bereciartua also encouraged the graduates to think big. ‘Dream really big’, he said, as he recalled his own time at IHE Delft. ‘We have a big opportunity to reshape our relationship with nature, and water is definitely at the centre of that big challenge, but also a big opportunity to reach sustainable development’.

This news item was originally published on the website of IHE Delft.

Read also on this website
Water education institute IHE Delft starts new life at age of 60, 28 April 2017
123 Water professionals receive their MSc diploma at Unesco-IHE, the Netherlands, 2 May 2016
150 Graduates receive Master of Science diploma at Unesco-IHE, the Netherlands, 29 April 2014

More information
IHE Delft
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 15 2152321