Hatenboer-Water, IMT and TrustLube started joint Asian office in Singapore
Three Dutch water and marine technology companies Hatenboer-Water, IMT and TrustLube opened new office and warehouse in Singapore.
The companies joined forces as they recognized each other’s company values to offer high end, sustainable solutions to their regional offshore clientele.
The new Singapore base was officially opened by Dutch ambassador Jacques Werner (third left on top photo).
Water and maritime sector
On occasion of the opening ambassador Werner said: "From the early days of the Netherlands, the Dutch have known that only by working together can we win the fight against the water. It has become our DNA: by working together we create the opportunity for growth and innovation."
"These three companies, all working in the water and maritime sector, now share offices and experience in Singapore", Werner continued. He pointed out the Singapore and the Netherlands can look back on decades of collaboration encompassing industry, education, research, culture and government policy.
Long standing Singapore-Dutch relation
"We have a close and long-standing relationship working together in the maritime and water sector. Our countries have benefited, learned and grown through this relationship. Many of the most distinguished Dutch companies in these fields have already opened offices in Singapore. They have been joined by IMT Far East, Hatenboer-Water Asia and Trustlube."Timely delivery of spares and consumables
Managing director Guy Heijnen of Hatenboer-Water Asia Pte Ltd (third right on top photo) commented: "We also concentrate on the ‘aftercare’ of our water treatment systems. In that respect, timely delivery of spares and consumables is crucial"
"The focus of the new Singapore office is to service clients in the maritime and offshore industry. The range of consumables and spares is therefore attuned to this market", said Heijnen.
About IMT, TrustLube and Hatenboer-Water
IMT Far East is a supplier of maintenance free lighting and signalisation systems. They offer a complete range of products & services for oil & gas and wind energy projects.
TrustLube designs, manufactures and fits automatic lubricating systems and monitoring systems for the maritime, dredging, offshore and petrochemical industry.
Hatenboer-Water has a long history in the field of water. Ever since 1906 the company has been supplying drinking water for ships and industry, and is still doing so. More than one hundred years later the organisation has grown to become an internationally operating full service player in the water treatment market. With a personnel strength of more than 80, Hatenboer-Water offers water solutions worldwide in the offshore and maritime sector, in horticulture and in a variety of industries such as the food & beverage and chemical industries.
This news item was originally published on the website of Hatenboer-Water.
More information
Hatenboer-Water Asia Pte Ltd.
+65 65158021