dws-high-voltage-water-wetsus-lab-770pxHigh Voltage Water announced that ICOS Capital has invested in its company, enabling the scale up of its electrospray desalination technology and to commercially develop its business through launching customer implementation.

High Voltage Water aims to drastically reduce the energy usage and capex of thermal desalination making it competitive to membrane desalination.
The investment materializes the intensive collaboration of ICOS Capital and Wetsus Global centre of excellence for sustainable water technology in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.

High Voltage Water is a spin-off company from the Wetsus research programme.

dws-high-voltage-water-electrospraying-350px A nozzle sprays salt water into an evaporator. A strong electrical field disintegrates the jet in very fine droplets that need less energy to evaporate, leaving the salt behind.

Market introduction
Dr. ir.Luewton Lemos F. Agostinho, CTO & founder of High Voltage Water explains: "High Voltage Water is delighted that we have secured investment from ICOS Capital to further develop and implement the proprietary technology and we look forward to working closely with ICOS team and their industry experts to bring our desalination technology to the market."

Fast growing segment
Nityen Lal, Founder and Managing partner of ICOS Capital comments: "Desalination is one of the fastest growing segments but unfortunately has limited choices. High Voltage Water can potentially turn the industry upside down with its revolutionary technology. It can bring one of the most reliable technologies back to the competitive arena by drastically improving the energy efficiency and capex of thermal desalination."

Sustainable desalination technology
Johannes Boonstra, Executive Board Member Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology comments: "We are very proud on the start of High Voltage Water as a spin-off company from the Wetsus research program. In our program, in close cooperation with TU Delft, fascinating know how has been developed on electrospray desalination technology.

Boonstra has high expectations on this new company. "I expect them to be successful in the translation of that knowhow into a viable business concept. With that, the world will be enriched with a novel and sustainable desalination technology. We look forward to an inspiring and long term cooperation with the enthusiastic High Voltage Water team."

This news item was originally published on the website of Wetsus.

More information
High Voltage Water
Badhoevendorp, the Netherlands
+31 6 284 76 183

Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
+31 58 284 30 00

In this video - following the Dutch introduction - founder of High Voltage Water, dr. ir.Luewton Lemos F. Agostinho, explains how electrospray desalination works.

Introduction video on Wetsus as centre of excellence for sustainable water technology