HydroThane delivers ECSB waste water treatment reactor to pharmaceutical producer Aowei, China
HydroThane China, in close cooperation with Jiangsu NJU Environmental technology, recently completed the construction of an External circulation sludge bed (ECSB) reactor for anaerobe waste water treatment at the biochemical plant of AoWei in Zhangjiajie city, China.
The ECSB reactor became operational in October and treats the waste water that mainly holds gallic acid.
The waste water reactor for AoWei was designed to treat 1,000 m3/day and a chemical oxidation demand (COD) of 8 ton/day.

Extraction from natural products
The biochemical production plant of AoWei is located in Zhangjiajie City, within the Yangtze river basin.
Aowei's production plant in Zhangjiajie covers an area of 130,000 sq. meters. It focuses on the extraction and processing of natural products.
Currently, it mainly produces Tannic acid, Saponins and Hesperidin and their derivatives for use in productions of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food additives, feed additives, dyestuff, micro-electronic materials.
Sixth ECSB-reactor in China
For Dutch-based HydroThane it is the sixth ECSB reactor to be delivered in China recently for treatment of industrial waste water.
Last year an ECSB reactor was put into operation at starch producer Dazong Biology in Tengzhou city. This reactor treats 3,400 m3/day corn starch waste water and removes daily 40 ton COD (on top photo).

Late 2013 HyroThane delivered an ECSB reactor to Yixing Union, in Wuxi city for treatment of citric acid waste water treatment.
At Yixing Union's fermentation plant the ECSB reactor treats 2,000 m3/day citric acid waste water and removes daily 20 ton COD. It produces nearly 3.5 million m3 biogas per year.
About ECSB process
With the development of the ultra high rate External circulation sludge bed (ECSB) process, HydroThane developed a second generation reactor with expanded granular, a variant of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digestion.
One of the characteristics of HydroThane's ECSB process is the complete overpressure design so a (bio)gas holder is not required. As all odors or smells are fully integrated into the pressurized and closed biogas circuit, there is no need to install any bio/compost filter.
Other characteristics include a two layers separation design that creates more process stability and capacity. Loading rates of the ECSB reactor are typically in the range of 15 to 35 kg COD/m3 per day.
This news item was originally published on the website of HydroThane.
More information
HydroThane STP
‘s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
+31 6 133 49 842