IHE Delft welcomes delegates for Asia-Netherlands Learning Week
On 18 June, IHE Delft was pleased to welcome delegates from nine Asian countries to hear about the Institute’s work in relation to Integrated Flood Risk Management, which is the theme of the Asia-Netherlands Learning Week 2018.
Sponsored by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and organized by the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP), this annual event allows organizations from the Dutch water sector to share knowledge and experience on a different aspect of water management.
The learning week is in its sixth edition and will again include many meetings with experts as here seen during the 4th edition in 2015.Flood risk management
The delegates have the opportunity to attend meetings and go on excursions to learn about the experiences of the Netherlands in coping with water issues inherent to the country, and approaches and initiatives of the Asian Development Bank and IHE Delft.
This year, a number of IHE Delft staff described their approach to integrated flood risk management and demonstrated practical examples by means of case studies.
Group visits
There will be plenty of time for the delegates to focus on the water challenges of their own country, facilitated and advised by staff from IHE Delft.
The programme also includes many group visits to Dutch water institutes and special locations in the field of flood prevention, water treatment and water management.
The week culminates with each working group presenting the key lessons they had learned, an action plan and follow-up activities once they return home.
This news item was originally published on the website of IHE Delft.
Read also on this website
● Graduation Day 2018: 138 water professionals receive their MSc degree at IHE Delft, 30 April 2018
● Learning Alliance identifies pilot for green coastal protection in Kendari Bay, Indonesia, 27 February 2015
● Unesco-IHE and Asian Development Bank start 3rd water learning week in Delft, the Netherlands, 18 June 2014
More information
IHE Delft
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 15 2152321
Netherlands Water Partnership
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 304 3700
Asian Development Bank
Manila, Philippines
+63 2 6324444