Interview with winner of the Singapore Lee Kuan Yew water prize 2012: professor Mark van Loosdrecht
Professor Mark van Loosdrecht of the Delft University of Technology has won the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for 2012. The Dutch scientist won the award in recognition of his contributions to sustainable wastewater purification technology.
Van Loosdrecht developed an innovative biological process that can purify wastewater in a way that is relatively inexpensive and sustainable. This process, known as Anammox, reduces energy consumption, CO2 emissions and the amount of chemicals required.
Unique granular sludge technology
In addition to Anammox, the award is also in recognition of Van Loosdrecht's work on the development of other technologies, including Sharon, BABE and especially the aerobic granular sludge Nereda. Van Loosdrecht: "Nereda and Anammox are both granular sludge technologies. Granular sludge technology is a truly Dutch development, pioneered by Delft alumnus professor Gatze Lettinga."
In pursue of innovation
Van Loosdrecht: "The Netherlands is a pioneer in the field of water technology, especially thanks to Anammox and Nereda," said Van Loodrecht. This is partly owing to the successful alliances in research and development between universities, water boards and businesses. The willingness of the water boards to pursue innovation and share facilities has played an important role in this."
In this interview Mark van Loosdrecht reflects on his carrier as a academic researcher.The main theme that runs through this interview is about being stubborn and believing in yourself. Follow your own ideas, rather than the hot topic of the moment is the advice given. "This will put you in a better position later on, he says.
Van Loosdrecht will receive the prize on 2 July during the Singapore International Water Week.
Read more about professor van Loosdrecht and his research on granular sludge technologies Anammox and Nereda:
Delft University of Delft
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Delft University
Department of Biotechnology
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 15 27 81618