dws-iww-ilf-general-770px-1On Thursday 7 November the second edition of the Industrial Leaders Forum will take place in Amsterdam. During the event captains of industry, both from large water using multinationals as well as from water technology firms, will debate the closure of the water cycle. Not only within production facilities but throughout the whole product cycle, from raw materials up to the end consumers.

The event is part of the International Water Week and coincides with the leading water technology fair, Aquatech Amsterdam 2013.

Water issues in board rooms
Water issues have entered the board rooms of large companies. The effects of extreme heavy rainfall on one side of the globe can disrupt production on the other side. This was made apparent in 2011 when severe floods in Thailand affected the Japanese car industry, along with the chip-industry in the US. Heavy water users in highly populated areas are forced to lower their use of water or even relocate their production sites to secure an undisrupted supply of drinking water to cities.

Water-related risks move companies beyond corporate social responsibility thus making them act as stakeholders amongst other water users. Business leaders at the Rio 20+ Corporate Sustainability Forum in June 2012 agreed to lead the way towards the next generation of sustainability performance.  

dws-iww-ilf-2011-holterman-350pxImportance of dialogue
"Looking back at the previous edition we talked about the need to close the water cycle", remembers Menno M. Holterman who will be once again leading the forthcoming ILF-forum.

"All around the world this seems to be a serious challenge and that is why it is so important to keep the dialogue going between industries, the water technology sector, water utilities, water boards, and the world of science. One of the key issues is to develop affordable water technology that facilitates more water re-use and enables the recovery of usable raw materials. Innovation and integration play a crucial role in successfully implementing solutions for a green economy in order to meet ever demanding water and sustainability requirements."

dws-iww-illf-2011-2-350pxAmbitious sustainability goals
Holterman continues: "For this we need different kinds of disruptive water technologies and closer cooperation of all relevant stakeholders to resolve the water – energy – food nexus. To achieve these ambitious sustainability goals, integrated solutions are needed. These cannot be developed by the water sector on its own therefore the best available human talent needs to be attracted to our industry.”

The winner of the Wetskills Water Challenge, involving young water and industrial professionals, will be invited to challenge the captains of industry to faster implement these desired changes.  

The panel consists of speakers from Coca-Cola, Akzo Nobel and Heineken and water professionals from Pentair and Amiad. In addition to these panel members, a new element in this year's forum is the presence of financial experts and consultants from Rabobank and professional services firm PWC.

Water footprint of the whole product cycle
"The introduction of finance and accounting completes the debate where the closing of the water cycle means that we look at the water footprint of the whole product cycle - from the production of the raw materials up to the end consumer. This involves larger and more complex investments by different stakeholders. At the same time the achievements in sustainability need to be recognized and certified which play an important role in knowing about the water footprint for the entire product cycle", adds Holterman.  

With the active participation of young water and industry professionals, financial experts and captains of industry joining the forum, Holterman is convinced that the debate will be as exciting and profitable as the last. By sharing the many innovative ideas and practical solutions for solving water challenges, this year’s Industrial Leaders Forum provide solid answers to respond to future water challenges.

About Aquatech Amsterdam
Aquatech Amsterdam 2013 will be held from 5 up to and including 8 November at Amsterdam RAI. In line with market demand, the special focus for 2013 will continue to be on waste water treatment and industrial water use. Aquatech Amsterdam, the world’s leading trade exhibition on process, drinking and waste water brings together all international leaders in the water industry under one roof.

About International Water Week
The International Water Week Amsterdam (4-8 November, 2013) is a unique collaboration between national and international water sector partners integrating science, policy, technology and finance. The second edition focuses on Integrated Water Solutions for a Green Economy and offers a combination of international events: the International Water Week Conference, the well known Aquatech Exhibition, excursions, social events, a utility leaders forum and more.

This news item was originally published on the website of Aquatech Amsterdam.

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More information
Aquatech Amsterdam 2013

International Water Week 2013