Nereda waste water treatment technology selected for new wwtp Tijuco Preto, Brasil
Royal HaskoningDHV’s Nereda technology has been selected as the first choice for a new municipal wastewater treatment plant at wwtp Tijuco Preto in Sumaré, Brasil.
This takes the total number of Nereda treatment plants in the South American country so far to seven, with six already built, under construction or design (on top photo: wwtp Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro).
Design phase
Operated by BRK Ambiental, the Tijuco Preto plant will have a capacity of 110,000 PE, with an average daily flow of 19,900m3/d and a peak flow of 1,492m3/h.
Currently in the design phase, the plant is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019.

Effective sanitation
João Almeida of Royal HaskoningDHV commented: ‘The new plant at Tijuco Preto will prevent untreated domestic wastewater being discharged into the environment and will therefore be an important step in the consolidation of effective sanitation in Brazil.’
Almeida continued: ‘Already with proven results in Brazil, the Nereda technology has confirmed that it is the ideal solution for wastewater treatment, not only in terms of cost and efficiency but also for sustainability.’
Fast settling granules
Developed by Royal HaskoningDHV in the Netherlands, Nereda is the first process to successfully harness the benefits of aerobic granular sludge technology.
Nereda technology naturally selects fast settling granules, allowing higher concentrations of active biomass to be accumulated.
The compact plants achieve very high levels of nutrient removal, without chemical dosing and uses far less energy than alternative solutions.
Read also on this website
● Sweden’s first Nereda wastewater treatment plant to be built in Strömstad, 22 May 2017
● Weftec 2016: Royal HaskoningDHV teams up with new US partners on Nereda waste water technology, 28 September 2016
● Nereda plant in Rio de Janeiro ready to treat Olympic waste water, 21 June 2016
More information
Royal HaskoningDHV
Amersfoort, the Netherlands
+31 88 348 20 00