Nijhuis improves existing wwtp of pharmaceutical company Biovet, Bulgaria
Nijhuis Industries has been chosen to optimise the existing waste water treatment plant at a factory of Biovet in Peshtera, Bulgaria.
Biovet is a manufacturer and marketer for farm animal productivity and health. A new production facility is currently under construction and will generate increased volumes of wastewater, which require treatment. Nijhuis redesigned the existing wwtp and has been chosen to construct and realize the optimization.
Optimised technologies
The current treatment plant was built in the 1980s, and cannot process the foreseen increased volumes of wastewater. On request Nijhuis redesigned the plant with introducing new water technologies. These optimised technologies have ensured that energy and chemical consumption have reduced considerably, and can being applied to smaller footprint systems with the help of a smart design.
Due to these developments, Nijhuis can reuse the existing concrete infrastructure, and retrofit newly installed technology equipment.

Nature-driven design
The new design has been inspired by the picturesque surrounding of the factory in a valley of the Rhodopi Mountains.
Gravity is used as far as possible. The wastewater will be pumped from the factory level in the valley floor, up to near the top of a hill.
With a height increase of 50 meters, the wwtp will be completely surrounded by the woods.
After the wastewater is pre-treated, a biological treatment system will use the power of nature’s gravity as a ‘cascade system’ and will automatically flow 50 meters down to the point where the water was originally pumped.
A new disolved air flotation (DAF) DAF system will be used as final polishing step. The factory is located in the town of Peshtera, Bulgaria, 120 km southeast of the country’s capital, Sofia.
This news item was originally published on the website of Nijhuis Industries.
(Photos: Nijhuis Industries)
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● Expertise: Water technology
● Country: Bulgaria
More information
Nijhuis Industries
Doetinchem, the Netherlands
+31 314 749 000