NWO calls on use-inspired research proposals to tackle global challenges
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has, together with seven Dutch research organisations, launched a call for use-inspired research proposals to tackle global challenges.
The call for proposals was collaboratively launched to contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an innovative way and with a focus on the most vulnerable people in low- and middle-income countries. A total budget of 7 million euros is available.

Tangible outputs, global perspectives
Because of the complexity of the challenges, an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach of co-creation is needed to be able to contribute to the SDGs.
Furthermore, research projects should generate tangible outputs -other than knowledge- that are accessible, affordable and applicable for practitioners in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Collaboration with scientists from LMICs clears the path to innovative insights and breakthroughs that would otherwise be beyond the reach of Dutch science.
This joint initiative contributes to more coherent research funding and to a collaborative effort of the Dutch science community in addressing global challenges.
Dutch and local researchers
Research proposals should include close cooperation between Dutch and local researchers, between different disciplines and between knowledge institutes, governments, NGOs, private partners, or other relevant end-users.
The co-funding research organisations are: Delft University of Technology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Unesco-IHE Institute for water education, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University, VU Amsterdam and Wageningen University & Research.
The deadline to submit a proposal - only after preselection and approval of the co-funding research organisation - is 23 May 2017. Click here for more detailed information on the call ‘Tackling Global Challenges through Use-Inspired Research'.
This news item was originally published on the website of NWO.
(top photo: UNICEF Sierra Leone/2015/Indrias G Kassaye)
Read also on this website
● Conference on urbanizing river deltas shows importance of uptake of international research, 27 January 2016
● NWO launched second call for research projects on urbanising deltas, 15 January 2015
● NWO announces first call for proposals for global research programme on urbanising river deltas, 26 October 2012
More information
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
The Hague, the Netherlands
+ 31 70 344 06 40