NWO grants six projects in research programme Urbanising deltas of the world
Netherlands organisation for scientific research (NWO) granted six projects as part of the second call for proposals within its programme Urbanising deltas of the world. The projects cover a variety of innovative integrated approaches towards challenges in delta areas in Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and Ghana.
The projects in in the second call specifically target cooperation between researchers and businesses, with partners from the Netherlands and water partners in specific countries.
The UDW programme is a joint activity of NWO and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aligned to the Topsector Water initiative.
Six projects
The following projects will receive funding:
● Living polders: dynamic polder management for sustainable livelihoods, applied to Bangladesh
Dr. F.S.J. van Laerhoven, Utrecht University
This project aims to develop a decision support model for the management of ‘living polders’, in which controlled flooding and sedimentation allow the land surface level to keep up with sea level rise, by focusing on Bangladesh as a specific case.
● Integrated and sustainable port development in Ghana within an African context
Prof. T. Vellinga, Technical University of Delft
This project aims to develop an inclusive and participatory framework and tools for the design of integrated and sustainable ports in Africa, by focusing on the Ghanaian port of Tema
as a pilot project.
● Enabling sustainable industrial development in Vietnamese delta's: Reducing, recycling and multi-sourcing industrial water
Prof. H.H.M. Rijnaarts, Wageningen University
This project aims to optimize industrial fresh water use in the Mekong delta by developing a technological and governance framework, through piloting in three existing industrial zones, and building a decision support model that can also be used in other deltas.
● Community resilience through rapid prototyping of flood proofing technologies
Prof. C. Zevenbergen, Unesco-IHE institute for water education
This project aims to develop prototypes of community-based flood mitigation and adaptation measures in specific towns and/or neighborhoods, so-called Learning Spaces, in the
Bangladesh delta.
● Integrative approach for smart small-scale piped water supply in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta
Dr. D. van Halem, Technical University of Delft
This project aims to reduce arsenic contaminant exposure of drinking water for households by combining in-house small-scale piped water supply and active end-user participation through mobile crowd participation.
● Water information services for sustainable food production in peri-urban delta areas in Ghana and Bangladesh
Dr. E.J.J. van Slobbe, Wageningen University
This project aims to develop tailored water availability forecast information services with and for farmers in in peri-urban areas in the urbanizing deltas of Accra, Ghana and Khulna,
Bangladesh, through engaging them in knowledge sharing platforms and virtual communities.
This news item was originally published on the website of Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
Read also on this website
● NWO launched second call for research projects on urbanising deltas, 15 January 2015
● KWR joins four-year NWO research programme on shale gas and water in the Netherlands, 6 January 2015
● Seven new research projects Urbanising Deltas in the World, 10 March 2014
● NWO-WOTRO launches new scientific research programme for inclusive development Sub-Sahara Africa, 18 September 2013
More information
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Division WOTRO Science for Global Development
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 344 0763