ReCirc Singapore aims at joint development of resource recovery technology for circular economy
Thirteen Dutch organisations initiated the ReCirc Singapore consortium to explore circular solutions in the fields of sludge and waste processing and resource recovery, both in Singapore and the Netherlands.
The consortium is an initiative of consultancy firm Witteveen+Bos, water utility Waternet, Delft University of Technology, and the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS).
The Dutch organisations signed a covenant in Singapore on 15 December.

Similarities between two countries
This cooperation came about because the initiators, together with Singaporean partners, concluded last year that there are many similarities between Singapore and the Netherlands: both countries have limited natural resources, limited land space, are densely built, and are facing an ageing population which puts pressure on productivity.
These similarities can be benefited from by working together, exchanging knowledge and jointly exploring new markets and solutions.
About the consortium
The cooperation focuses on pragmatic solutions, more applied R&D, business development and cross sectorial collaboration.
The following critical topics will be addressed:
- application of incineration ash as building material
- sorting, separating, segregating and recycling urban waste
- recovery of energy and resources from waste, used water and UWTP sludge
- management and treatment of packaging and plastic waste
- management of food waste and resource recovery
- handling of E-waste and recovery of valuable materials

Public-private partnership
ReCirc Singapore is a public-private partnership (PPP) between business, government, civil society organizations and knowledge institutions.
In ReCirc Singapore the following companies and institutes are working together: Witteveen+Bos (cluster coordinator), Waternet, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Nijhuis Industries, Paques, CirTec, World of Walas, Asia Pacific Breweries, Organic Village, KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University and Research and Upp! UpCycling Plastic.
Sustainable consumption patterns
In September 2016 the Dutch government released its policy paper A circular economy in the Netherlands by 2050 that, at a global level, also addresses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These goals include to halve worldwide food waste, achieve sustainable production and consumption patterns, battle against poverty, improve human rights, use natural capital sustainably, and reduce waste, including the battle against litter in our oceans (plastic soup).
This news item was originally published on the websites of Witteveen+Bos, Holland Innovation network Singapore and AMS.
Read also on this website
● AIWW 2017: Setting the stage for a circular economy, 20 October 2017
● Singapore Water Week 2016: A look back on an event that showcased a water industry willing to innovate, 18 July 2016
● Singapore authorities react enthousiastically to Healthy City concept by Dutch designers, 10 March 2016
● Country: Singapore
More information
Holland Innovation Network
Netherlands Embassy Singapore
+65 6737 1155
Holland Circular Hotspot
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 379 80 00