Royal Boskalis has received a Letter of Award from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for the port development project Tuas Terminal Finger Pier 3 in Singapore.

The contract value for the consortium, including Penta Ocean Construction Company and Hyundai Engineering & Construction Company, is approximately 1.46 billion Singapore dollar.

Boskalis' share in the consortium is 30 percent with a corresponding contract value of approximately 300 million euro. The contract is expected to be finalized in the next few weeks after the Chinese New Year.

dws-boskalis-tuas-pier-3-impression-350px  Impression of the three piers of megaport Tuas to be ready by 2040. Construction of pier 1 - topside - is to be completed later this year.

Massive caissons
The Tuas Terminal Finger Pier 3 project is part of the development of the new mega Tuas port project and includes the design and construction of 387 hectares of land reclamation works bounded by 9.1 km of caisson walls.

The nearly 30 meter high caissons designed for this project will be amongst the largest ever used in the world.

Various activities
Boskalis will execute various dredging and civil engineering activities within the above scope, including the deepening of the port basin and access channel, dredging of a sandkey and managing the supply of sand to create the new land.

The dredging and land reclamation activities will be executed with a combination of a medium-sized trailing suction hopper dredger, grab and backhoe dredgers and long-distance bulk carriers.

The activities will commence in the coming weeks. The construction activities will take place over a 9 year time frame and are expected to be completed in 2027.

dws-boskalis-tuas-pier-3-caisson-350px For Pier One some 222 caissons will be constructed at a special land-based wharf and transported into place. Each caisson is filled with dredged materials.

Finger One
Boskalis is already involved in the development of the Tuas Terminal Finger Pier 1 (on top photo).

Together with Van Oord it has been contracted by Jurong Town Corporation in 2014 for the dredging work and to build a 3.4 km of quay wall. This work is expected to be completed later this year.

Singapore is clustering all its port activities on the western part of the island and started the development of the megaport Tuas with a capacity to handle 65 million containers per year.

This capacity doubles the container capacity of Singapore’s current five container terminals. By 2040, when the new megaport with its three fingers is completed, the current container terminals will be closed.

The old harbours will be redeveloped for housing and urban projects as part of the Greater Southern Waterfront.

This news item was originally published on the website of Boskalis.

Read also on this website
Van Oord and Boskalis win contract for Tuas Mega Port expansion, Singapore, 18 July 2014
Royal Boskalis awarded contract to dredge Martin Garcia Channel, Uruguay, 5 December 2017
Expertise: Resilient cities
Country: Singapore

More information
Royal Boskalis Westminster
Papendrecht, the Netherlands
+31 78 6969 000

Video explaining the need for Singapore to start the megaport Tuas development.