Royal HaskoningDHV and VA Tech Wabag to deliver Nereda wastewater treatment technology to India and Switzerland
Royal HaskoningDHV and VA Tech Wabag have signed a ten year cooperation agreement to deliver Nereda wastewater treatment technology to India and Switzerland.
The agreement was signed by Managing director and Group CEO Rajiv Mittal (second left) of Wabag, COO Arnold Gmuender (left) of WABAG Wassertechnik, and Global director for water products & innovation René Noppeney (right) of Royal HaskoningDHV on 5 November.
The signing took place in New Delhi in the presence of Dutch Minister for foreign trade Lilianne Ploumen (in the back) and Dutch ambassador to India Alphonsus Stoelinga.
Market and technology leadership
CEO Rajiv Mittal of VA Tech Wabag Ltd. said, "I am delighted that Wabag has been chosen by Royal HaskoningDHV, a leading international engineering company, for technology co-operation to introduce this new technology in India and Switzerland where Wabag already enjoys market and technology leadership. To start with, this new technology will address the India and Swiss markets and over time, the geographical scope will be enlarged."
Mittal further said, "In keeping with our overall inorganic growth strategy either for new markets or new technology, Wabag is adopting this licensing route on a long term. This new addition to our technology portfolio shall meet the growing market expectations in terms of less power consumption, less footprint and more cost effective solutions for waste water management."
A major step forward
René Noppeney of Royal HaskoningDHV said: "We are proud that we have joined forces with Wabag to enter the Indian and Swiss markets with our innovative Nereda technology. For us this is a major step forward, following the successful introduction of the technology in other markets such as Brazil, Australia, the UK and Ireland over the past two years."
Wastewater management has been given a high priority in the recently adopted India National Water Policy. Underpinned by a multi-billion dollar government programme, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment will be one of the most exciting areas for future growth in India.

About Nereda
Nereda is an innovative wastewater treatment technology that uses the unique features of aerobic granular biomass. More cost-effective than traditional water treatment methods, Nereda plants are up to four times smaller than traditional installations, consume only half the energy and require no chemicals for the treatment process.
Nereda was invented by the world-renowned Delft University of Technology. In close cooperation with universities, research institutes, STOWA, water boards, various industrial and municipal launching customers, and supported by national and international grants, Royal HaskoningDHV has transferred the process into an internationally applied, sustainable and cost-effective technology.
About VA Tech Wabag
VA Tech Wabag is an international systems supplier offering a complete range of water and wastewater technologies, having experience in successfully executing many treatment plants worldwide, most of them custom built.
The company was founded in 1924 as Wabag Wasserfilter-Bau in Germany. In 1999, Austria-based VA Technologie acquired the Wabag Group of Deutsche Babcock, taking over that company's water business.
Today VA Tech Wabag holds dual headquarters in Chennai, India and Vienna, Austria.
This news item was originally published on the website of RoyalHaskoningDHV.
Also read on this website
● IFAT2014: Big steps for Nereda waste water technology in scaling up, 6 May 2014
● Nereda waste water technology proves 40% energy saving at wwtp Epe, the Netherlands, 5 December 2013
● Water board Noorderzijlvest commissioned second Dutch Nereda plant at wwtp Garmerwolde, 15 October 2013
● Foz and Royal HaskoningDHV sign wastewater treatment agreement to implement Nereda in Brazil, 11 July 2013
● Nereda's revolutionary aerobic granular biomass exceeds expectations at first full scale WWTP Epe, 20 February 2013
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