Saxion University continues collaboration with Pentair on development of sustainable water technology
Saxion University of Applied Sciences and US-based water technology company Pentair will continue their joint research into more sustainable ways to treat wastewater. The prolonged cooperation will focus on the recycling of water-fit-for-use, the recovery of energy and raw materials.
The agreement was signed by Pentair Vice president of advanced water technologies Juergen von Hollen (left), professor water technology Harry Futselaar (middle) of Saxion and chairman Wim Boomkam (right) of the executive board of Saxion.
The signing took place at Twence in Hengelo, the Netherlands on 24 September.
Wwtp Twence triggered Saxion and Pentair to explore new ways to recover more biogas and raw materials..Wwtp for solid waste treatment company
Pentair and Saxion recently worked together on a new wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) for the Dutch solid waste treatment company Twence.
For Saxion and Pentair this wwtp plant was the basis to develop a more sustainable technology which enables the recovery of energy and raw materials, in addition to produce reusable water for processes such as cooling and rinsing.
Higher biogas production
The basis for the new sustainable wwtp for industrial wastewater is the combination of the conventional anaerobic bioreactor with the membrane technology of Pentair.
The membrane functions as an absolute barrier for solids resulting in a higher biogas production, and bacteria and virus free water enabling easier reuse as process water or further processing to recover other nutrients.
Production of bio based materials
Next step in the development is the transition of the anaerobic membrane bioreactor technology for industrial wastewaters to municipal wastewater. These streams are usually much lower in organic content and in processing temperature.
Furthermore, municipal wastewater is rich in ammonium and phosphates. Rather than breaking down or dumping these nutrients, they can be reused, for example to produce green algae.
The algae can then serve as basic raw material for a whole range of products including biodegradable plastics, bio kerosene and nutritional supplements.
Innovation through collaboration
Pentair and Saxion formalised the collaboration in a covenant, allowing both parties to combine their knowledge and resources.
This collaboration is supported by the Watercampus Leeuwarden, involving the Dutch institutes for sustainable water technology Wetsus and the Center of Expertise Water Technology (CEW).
This news item was originally published on the website of Saxion (in Dutch only).
More information
Saxion University of applied science
Enschede, the Netherlands
+31 58 487 11 11
Pentair Water Process Technology
Enschede, the Netherlands
+31 58 428 73 10