dws-deltares-rotterdam-singapore-port-770pxSustainable development and a new strategy for the port of Singapore were discussed at the round-table meeting on 2 March, attended by, among others, the Rotterdam Port Authority and Singapore, the Dutch Embassy and Deltares.

The two ports invited a range of organisations from the Netherlands and Singapore to share their knowledge and visions of the future.

The roundtable discussion included topics like the development of Singapore’s Tuas port, the ground-breaking operation and development.

dws-deltares-rotterdam-singapore-no-impact-scheme-350px  Port expert Martijn de Jong talked about Deltares' ideas on no-impact port development.

No impact port development
Dutch research institute Deltares en NUSDeltares - an alliance between Deltares and the National University of Singapore - presented their research and innovations for the port of the future.

The presentation by Martijn de Jong, a port expert at Deltares, about green ports, nature-based solutions and natural measures in land reclamation linked up well with Singapore's sustainable port ambitions.

Deltares is conducting a study on 'no-impact' port development. Such an approach goes beyond examining sustainable initiatives issues or ecosystem functions in isolation.

On behalf of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deltares tries to gain insight into the driving factors behind a port that has no negative impact on the ecosystem and recognizes ecological systems as a mix of elements that interact with each other in oceans and coast areas.

The study looks at a development concept in co-creation with principles from morphology, infrastructure engineering, ecological and socio-economic perspectives.

dws-deltares-rotterdam-singapore-maasvlakte-350px APM opened a highly automated terminal at Maasvlakte II in the port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in april 2015.

Sustainability high on the agenda
Singapore is Southeast Asia’s largest and most important port. It aims to improve its competitive position on the basis of its ‘Next Generation Port 2030’ plan. The focus is on encouraging new technologies and investing in infrastructure.

The port of Singapore wants to excel in efficiency, intelligence, safety and sustainability. Singapore is looking to other major global ports, such as the port of Rotterdam, to learn about the construction and design of the plan.

Sustainability is also high on the agenda at the port of Rotterdam. Both ports are transit ports and important hubs in the local regions. The Singapore Port Authority and Port of Rotterdam Authority signed a cooperation agreement in 2015 to share knowledge in the field of harbour services, LNG supplies, sustainable shipping and port optimisation.

The different organisations are looking at how to follow up on the meeting and move ahead with the development of the ‘Next Generation Port 2030’ plan.

This news item was originally published on the website of Deltares and Port of Singapore.

Read also on this website
● Singapore authorities react enthousiastically to Healthy City concept by Dutch designers, 10 March 2016
● Port of Rotterdam starts feasibility study to deepen Kuala Tanjung port, Indonesia, 2 September 2015
● Queen Beatrix renames Singapore water research facility during state visit, 25 January 2013
● Deltares and National University Singapore prolong their water research alliance in NUSDeltares, 26 February 2012
● Country: Singapore

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