Smart Centres organises symposium on simple, market-based, affordable, repairable WASH technologies
MetaMeta, Aqua for All, SNV and the Smart Centres organise a smart water tech symposium to share lessons learnt in WASH and rural development from the past 25 years. In that periode of time, over 10 million people have benefited from simple, market-based, affordable, repairable water technologies. This practical symposium will take place in Mzuzu, Malawi from Tuesday 13th to Thursday 15th of November, 2018.

Boost to affordable WASH
The symposium is meant to boost affordable WASH activities. It is also intended to raise interest in more in-depth advanced courses on establishing supply-chains and training in specific smart water techs, such as manual well drilling, hand and solar pumps, rainwater harvesting, household water filters.
The organisers will share 25 years of lessons learnt in rural development during which time over 10 million people have benefited from SMARTech.
Establish new centres
After the symposium you will have knowledge of and access to tools and a network necessary to establish a Smart Centre in your country.
There is an optional fourth day on the 16th of November with additional field trips, allowing participants to engage in in-depth discussions with trained and mentored businesses.

Key aspects
This practical symposium will train participants in key aspects of the Smart approach and it will provide information and discuss aspects like:
● how to train local entrepreneurial champions
● how to create profit-based and sustainable supply chains
● how to improve functionality of systems
● how to enable and accelerate supported self-supply systems
About Smart Centre Group
Smart Centre Group encourages self-supply; water sources for and paid by families, but also train the local private sector in installation and repairs of new and existing communal water supply.
Smart Centres are present in Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Zambia.
Download the flyer (as pdf-file) about the event: Smart symposium in Malawi.
(Top photo: open day at the Smart Centre Malawi on 4 and 5 October/CCAP Malawi)
Read also on this website
● Stockholm World Water Week 2016: Technical centres as water job generators in rural areas, 2 September 2016
● Connect International tests low-cost solar panel on submersible pump at Mzuzu Smart Centre, Malawi, 26 February 2015
● Expertise: Water for all
● Country: Malawi
More information
Smart Centre Group
c/o MetaMeta
Wageningen, the Netherlands
+ 31 317 84 39 39
Video presentation of some of the simple, market-based, affordable, repairable water technologies as developed by the Smart Centre Group.