dws-swww2017-ihe-iraqi-mou-dijk-janabi-770pxIraqi minister of Water Resources, Dr Hassan Janabi, signed a renewed version of a Memorandum of Understanding with director Johan van Dijk of IHE Delft. The Iraqi minister and IHE Delft will continue their cooperation for another five years.

The signing took place in the stand of IHE Delft at the Stockholm World Water Week on 29 August.

IHE Delft will initially support the ministry by assessing their needs in relation to development of staff expertise and performance improvement.

dws-swww2017-ihe-iraqi-mou-dijk-janabi-350px  Iraqi minister Dr Hassan Janabi (left) and IHE Delft director Johan van Dijk, talking about the details of the signing ceremony.

Capacity building
A second step will be developing capacity building programmes, resulting from the initial needs assessment.

The two parties also commit to improve water resources in Iraq through integrated and optimal use of water resources management, with a special emphasis on transboundary water management and water for agriculture.

The MoU is a follow-up of the first MoU, which was signed early 2014.

Assessment of needs
On the occasion of signing the MoU, Dr Hassan Janabi said to be very happy to continue the cooperation. ‘IHE Delft updated the skills of our people at the ministry. We have also done joint modelling exercises and assessment of the needs of our ministry.’

The MoU is mainly about capacity building within the ministry, but we will look for further enhancement of our cooperation’, the minister added.

This news item was originally published on the website of IHE Delft.

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More information
IHE Delft
Delft, the Netherlands
+31 15 215 23 21