dws-iws-innovation-winners-770pxHydraloop and Witteveen+Bos are two of three winners of the Innovate@IWS competition on breakthrough innovations to tackle sustainable water use by municipalities, industries and public users. The competition was part of a special exhibition on Smart water technology at the International Water Summit in Abu Dhabi.

Hydraloop won the prize in the category Real Estate & Public use for its innovative in-house water recycling system. Witteveen+Bos won in the category Industry with its compact One-Step filter to treat waste water.

The winners, including Cor Merks (Witteveen + Bos, fifth from right on top photo) and Sabine Stuiver (Hydraloop, fourth from right) received the awards on 17 January. 

dws-iws-innovation-expo-770px  Live presentations in the Smart Water Theatre.

Smart water expo
The competition was co-organized by innovation consultancy Isle Utilties as part of the Smart Water Expo to promote promising water technologies.

Finalists had the opportunity to pitch their technologies at the expo in a Dragon’s Den style to a jury from across the Mena region.

The jury selected three winners, one for each category. The awards were handed out on the final day of this dedicated Smart water exhibition.

Three winners
The winners of Innovate@IWS competition were:
● category Municipal: Witteveen+Bos, the Netherlands
The 1-STEP® filter is a modular and compact fixed bed activated carbon filter operated at a relatively high rate downward flow combining four treatment processes into one additional single treatment unit.
● category Industrial: Emagin, Canada
Harvi is an operational intelligence platform for water and wastewater facilities, to support real-time decision making when controlling critical assets.
● category Real Estate & Public Use: Hydraloop, the Netherlands
Hydraloop is an innovative in-house water recycling system which collects bathroom and washing machine water and cleans and disinfects it, herewith saving water by recycling 85% of total in-house domestic water used.

Read also on this website
Nijhuis Industries joins effluent polishing research project on O3GAC-technology, 28 March 2017
World's first 1-Step filter officially commissioned for effluent treatment at wwtp Horstermeer, the Netherlands, 28 November 2013
Expertise: Water technology

More information
International Water Summit/Smart water expo

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