Wageningen University seeks PhD candidates on water treatment in fresh water scarce coastal regions
The Environmental technology department of Wageningen University is looking for six PhD candidates to join its research project Water Nexus on water supply in fresh water scarce coastal regions.
The project focuses on strategies to balance water supply and water demand between industrial and agricultural systems and contain both saline and fresh water options. The search project includes water technology and green technologies such as wetlands.
The emphasis will be on industry and agri/horticulture where large volumes of water are produced and used.

Maintaining fresh water supply
Water Nexus is a research project of technology foundation STW, a division of the Netherlands organisation for scientific research (NWO). It has a budget of 6 million euro and runs from January 2015 to 2020.
In total 15 PhD and 2 postdoc researchers will work together to develop new solutions for water supply in fresh water scarce coastal regions in the Netherlands and abroad.
Technologies and management strategies will be developed that enable climate change adaptation by exchange of water between industry, agriculture, urban and natural systems, the use of brackish water as a resource, and the inclusion of green infrastructure for water storage and treatment.
It is supported by 25 partners from multinational and small/middle sized companies, consultancy firms, research institutes, water boards, and the Dutch Ministry of infrastructure and environment.
Water Nexus is coordinated by professor Huub Rijnaarts of the Environmental technology group of Wageningen University.

Six PhD positions
Six PhD positions are open on the following topics:
● saline water granular sludge technology
● electro-membrane reactors for sodium and micro-pollutant removal
● plant-microbial-desalinization-cell
● wetlands removing organic chemicals used in (petro) chemical industry
● water demand and supply modelling
● integral blueprints for flexible engineering and design
Additionally two post doc positions are available on granular sludge technology and integral blueprints.
Application is possible till 15 June 2015 at www.wageningenur.nl/career.
More information
Wageningen University
Sub-department Environmental technology
Wageningen, the Netherlands
+31 317 48 33 39