Wasser Berlin 2013: photo review shows successful Dutch participation
A look back on the Dutch presence at the Wasser Berlin 2013 trade fair from 23-26 April in Berlin, Germany.
High level tour
Most memorable was the high level tour by three ministers following the opening ceremony on Tuesday. Germany’s Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel, was accompanied by the Egyptian Minister for Drinking Water and Sanitary Installations, Dr. Eng. Abdel Qawi Khalifa, and the Dutch Minister for Infrastructure and the Environment, Melanie Schultz-Van Haegen.
At the stand of the German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste (DWA), Egyptian minister Qawi Khalifa (second right) and Dutch minister Schultz-Van Haegen (right) were handed a book.
At the Netherlands pavilion German minister Niebel was handed a purple wooden clog.
Innovative water technology
Dutch and Germany water technology experts discussed the possibility of a joint innovation agenda during the symposium Innovative water technologies on 23 April. Here seen director Cees Buisman of Wetsus centre of excellence for sustainable water technology in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.
Dutch ambassador Marnix Krop in Berlin (right) emphasized the importance of German-Dutch cooperation during a get-together at the Netherlands pavilion.
Joint Dutch-German research is already happening as could be seen at stand of the Dutch water technology company Bosman Watermanagement. Here seen are dr.ing. Kathrin Gantner of the TU Berlin (left) and director Bart Jan Brandt (right) discussing the results of a joint research project on the removal of micro pollutants from waste water with Fuzzy Filter technology. The results are very promising and a pilot plant will be built at a German wwtp later this year.
Singapore delegation
One Dutch wooden clog ended up in Germany, the other one in Singapore! Here seen are Kathy Lai (left) of International Enterprise Singapore and D S Chuan of Matten water treatment systems. Both participated in a Singapore water technology delegation that had visited the Netherlands earlier and was invited to the Netherlands pavilion at Wasser Berlin.
Two previous news items on Wasser Berlin 2013 on this website:
- Wasser Berlin 2013: Closer German-Dutch cooperation on development new water technology, 24 April
- WasserBerlin 2013: State-of-the-art water technology in Netherlands pavilion, 22 April
More news on Wasser Berlin in general: www.wasserberlin.de
More information
Water Alliance
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
+31 58 2849044
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 304 3700