dws-rhdhv-dwa-nereda-wwtp-clonakilty-770pxDutch Water Authorities and Royal HaskoningDHV signed a partnership agreement on the deployment of wastewater treatment plant operators from Dutch regional water authorities to new build Nereda plants. The agreement was signed on 22 June 2015.

The first joint start-up of a new build Nereda plant is already underway at the Irish town of Clonakilty (top photo) where operator Meinard Eekhof of regional water authority Vechtstromen joined the team of Royal HaskoningDHV.

In the Netherlands all municipal wastewater treatment plants are operated by regional water authorities. It is for the first time their knowledge and expertise is commercially used internationally for a company on this scale.

dws-rhdhv-dwa-nereda-doornbos-noppeney-350px   Gerard Doornbos from Dutch Water Authorities (l.) and René Noppeney from Royal HaskoningDHV with the signed partnership agreement.

Operational experience
Nereda is a new highly sophisiticated wastewater treatment technology using unique features of aerobic granular biomass. As more and more Dutch regional water authorities are now operating the Nereda technology, they gain a lot of experience.

Under the umbrella of the Dutch Water Authorities organisation, representing the international activities of all 23 regional water authorities in the Netherlands, it is now possible to share their experiences abroad.

In addition to Ireland where the first joint start-up is underway, Dutch Water Authorities will also work on new Nereda plants in Brazil, Australia and South Africa.

Better service for clients
René Noppeney, Global director water technology at Royal HaskoningDHV: "Dutch Water Authorities brings unique experience in the field of operational management of Nereda plants. Together with our knowledge and experience of design, this creates a powerful combination. Consequently, we can provide an even better service to our Nereda clients and partners abroad."

Out of the box
The regional water authorities are operating internationally under the collective flag of Dutch Water Authorities. Board member Gerard Doornbos: "Dutch Water Authorities shares global knowledge with countries that face many water management challenges. We learn from this ourselves and, at the same time, support the export potential of the Dutch water sector. Moreover, our employees will gain 'out of the box' experience and learn from applying the technique in a different context. This, in return, will help us with the water requirements in the Netherlands."

dws-rhdhv-dwa-nereda-wwtp-vroomshoop-350px One of the Nereda plants in the Netherlands is operated by public water authority Vechtstromen at wwtp Vroomshoop.

About Nereda
Nereda is a successful Dutch sustainable wastewater treatment technology for which there is considerable international demand. Nereda treats wastewater with bacteria (aerobic granular biomass) that quickly sink. The plants are cheaper than traditional plants and up to four times smaller. Moreover, they consume up to half the energy and hardly any chemicals are required. The technology was developed by Delft University of Technology and Royal HaskoningDHV in cooperation with the Dutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) and several Dutch water authorities.

About Dutch Water Authorities
Dutch Water Authorities is an international organisation comprising 23 regional water authorities in the Netherlands and their umbrella association, the Unie van Waterschappen. It promotes the interests of the regional water authorities at national and international level and shares a European office in Brussels with Vewin, the Dutch association of drinking water companies.

Regional water authorities are decentralised public authorities in the Netherlands, responsible for flood protection, regional water management and treatment of urban wastewater.

This news item was originally published on the wbesite of Royal HaskoningDHV.

Read also on this website
Royal HaskoningDHV's Nereda waste water technology selected for expansion wwtp Hartebeestfontein, South Africa, 28 April 2015
IFAT2014: Big steps for Nereda waste water technology in scaling up, 6 May 2014
Nereda's revolutionary aerobic granular biomass exceeds expectations at first full scale WWTP Epe, 20 February 2013

More information
Amersfoort, the Netherlands
+31 88 348 20 00

Dutch Water Authorities
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 351 97 51