Water expert events you cannot afford to miss in The Netherlands
In 2013 again many international leading events are scheduled to take place in The Netherlands. The most outstanding events this year are UN's official celebration of the World Water Day in The Hague and the International Water Week/Aquatech in Amsterdam.
Listed below are all Dutch-related events for water professionals, including the world wide events that will also be celebrated in The Netherlands.
Additionally listed are this year's Holland Water Pavilions around the world. Enjoy the Dutch hospitality and learn about the finest Dutch water technologies, services and know-how.
31 January and 1 February. Middelburg, the Netherlands
Flood Awareness and raising community resilience
international conference as part of a European research project on the increase of flood risks and possibility to involved the public to minimize the risks.
Organizers: Province of Zeeland, the Netherlands (leading partner of EU Flood Aware project)
Read more: www.flood-aware.com
2 February, world wide
World wetlands day 2013
marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar and raising public awareness of wetland values and benefits in general.
Organizers: secretary of the Ramsar Convention on wetlands
Read more: www.ramsar.org
11 February, Paris, France
Kick-off meeting for World Water Day 2013
mediatic and symbolic event at UNESCO headquarters to kick-start the International Year of Water Cooperation.
Organizers: UN Water & Unesco
Read more: www.unwater.org
6-7 March, Brussels, Belgium
European Conference on Sustainable Phosphorus Management
international conference, organized in close cooperation with the Dutch Nutrient Platform, to explore possibilities to stimulate the recovery of nutrients from waste e.g. by redesigning legislative frameworks, and exchanging information on successful business cases.
Organizers: ESPC2013 Organizing Committee
Read more: www.espc2013.org
18-22 March, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Wetsus Rabobank Water Business Challenge
workshop for individuals or organizations to develop their own business plan with assistance from top water technology and business experts.
Organizers: Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology
Read more: www.wetsus.nl
18-22 March, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Wetsus Water Challenge Science and Technology
5-day workshop for master students who like to do a PhD research in water technology.
Organizers: Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology
Read more: www.wetsus.nl
22 March, world wide
World Water Day 2013 - water cooperation
marking the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation to raise awareness on the potential for increased cooperation while solving burning issues on water e.g. by education, water diplomacy, transboundary water management and financing cooperation.
Two official celebrations by the United Nations:
- official UN celebration will take place in The Netherlands, hosted by the Dutch Government and coordinated by UNESCO and UNECE.
- High-Level Interactive Dialogue of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly in New York
Read more: www.unwater.org/watercooperation2013
9-11 April, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Monitoring Sustainable WASH Service Delivery
annual international conference by IRC to provide a global platform for sharing experiences to strengthen WASH service monitoring.
Organizers: IRC - International Water and Sanitation Centre
Read more: www.source.irc.nl
16-19 April, Barcelona, Spain
AquaConSoil 2013
international conference on applied-knowledge of management of soil-water systems with 1,000 delegates from research institutes and universities, governmental and consultant organizations and from industry.
Organizers: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ and Deltares
Read more: www.aquaconsoil.org
14 May, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2013 BlueTech Forum
forum for industrial water leaders to discuss the latest technologies, business strategies and new market trends. This year's theme is 'Brave Blue World'.
Organisers: O2 Environmental
Read more: www.bluetechforum.com
29-31 May, Delft, the Netherlands
5th Delft Symposium on Water Sector Capacity Development
international symposium on innovative approaches for countries that strive for green growth and 'blue sustainability' and want to strengthen the knowledge, capacity and interaction of the water sector across the multiple government institutions, civil society, the private sector and knowledge institutes required.
Organizers: Unesco-IHE, in cooperation with Asian Development Bank, Cap-Net UNDP, Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vitens-Evides International
Read more: www.unesco-ihe.org
3-7 June, Brussels, Belgium
The Art of Dredging
20th international WODOCN conference with over 120 technical papers covering all aspects of dredging and maritime constructions.
Organizers: World Organization of Dredging Associations (WODA)
Read more: www.cedaconferences.org
5-7 june, Delft, the Netherlands
Water Integrity Forum – Key to good governance
first international forum on water integrity as key element of good governance, including presentations of tools and approaches, as well as key lessons learned and case studies.
Organizers: Water Integrity Network, Unesco-IHE
Read more: www.waterintegritynetwork.net
8 June, world wide
World oceans day 2013
international celebration day of the ocean, with this year’s theme Youth: the Next Wave for Change.
Organizers: The World Ocean Network
Read more: www. worldoceansday.org
18 September, world wide
World water monitoring day 2013
raising awareness for the importance of good quality of surface water by inviting non-professionals to take a water sample, analyze it (instructions on website) and share the findings.
Organizers: Water Environment Federation, International Water Association
Read more: www.worldwatermonitoringday.org
30 September, Leeuwarden
Wetsus congress 2013
annual international congress on the latest developments in water technology.
Organizers: Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology
Read more: www.wetsus.nl
5-8 November, Amsterdam
Aquatech 2013
world’s leading trade exhibition for process, drinking and waste water with almost 900 exhibitors and over 21.000 visitors with 130 different nationalities.
Organizers: Amsterdam RAI
Read more: www.aquatechtrade.com/amsterdam
4-8 november, Amsterdam
2nd International Water Week Amsterdam
international platform with a series of events to brings together businesses, non-profit organisations, government agencies and scientists to explore practical solutions to various global water issues.
Organizers: Netherlands Water Partnership, IWA, Waternet, Royal Netherlands Waternetwork, Amsterdam RAI
Read more: www.internationalwaterweek.com
19 November, world wide
Toilet Day 2013
international day of action aims to break the taboo around toilets and draw attention to the global sanitation challenge.
Organizers: World Toilet Organization
Read more: www. worldtoiletday.org
Invitation to all Holland Water Pavilions
The Dutch Water Sector will show its latest products and services in Holland Water pavilions at famous trade shows and conferences. You can be sure of a warm Dutch welcome if you visit the pavilion at:
- International Water Summit, Abu Dhabi (15-17 January)
- Americana, Montreal, Canada (19-21 March)
- Aquatech India, New Delhi, India (8-10 April)
- IWEX, Birmingham, UK (16-18 April)
- Wasser Berlin, Berlin, Germany (23-26 April)
- WE Power, Damman, Saudi Arabia (12-14 May)
- Expo APA, Bucharest, Romania (10-12 June)
- REW, Istanbul, Turkey (13-16 June)
- Weftec, Chicago, USA (5-8 October)
- IWA Development congress & exhibition, Nairobi, Kenya (14-17 October)
- IFAT India, Mumbai, India (24-26 October)
- International Water Week, Amsterdam, Netherlands (4-8 November)
- FIMAI, Sao Paulo, Brasil (5-7 November)
The Holland Water Pavilions are coordinated by NWP, VLM, Water Alliance and AquaNL
More information
Netherlands Water Partnership
+31 70 304 37 00
Water Alliance
+31 58 284 90 44