WaterTalks podcast: Water from a risk perspective
How do we raise awareness on the importance of including water risks in risk analysis and thought leadership on the value of water in relation to the financial world?
In this podcast, Ambika Jindal, Valuing Water Initiative Project Lead at the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs; Robin Miller, Manager Investor Engagement Water at Ceres; and Pritha Hariram, Business Development Manager at FMO (Dutch Entrepreneurial Bank) talk about water from a risk perspective.

Water is life, without it nothing happens. But if we want to raise awareness we need to translate these risks in a language the financial world understands. There is a lot of 'risk' talk, but we have to make it contextual and relevant to the people we are talking too. And make them act!
The WaterTalks podcast specials are made by New Business Radio in collaboration with the Netherlands Water Partnership, supported by the Partners for Water programme.