WWF6 – AGT offers Chinese delegation to jointly develop state-of-the-art dike management technology
“It is time for Europe and China to jointly develop new technologies for water management related to cities”, said prince Pieter-Christiaan of Orange during a meeting marking the launch of the new China Europe Water platform (CEWP). His company AGT Netherlands offers new sensor technology for real-time hydrometric monitoring to predict possible dike failures.
“We invite China to cooperate with the European private sector. For urban water management experiences from the past are not sufficient anymore. We need to speed up the process of innovation. Europe and China can work closely together to develop new solutions”, said the prince. AGT Netherlands and research centre TNO are already working on a flood early warning system for Yellow River.
Continuation of EU-China water cooperation
At the 6th World Water Forum Chinese minister of water resource Chen Lei and the Danish environmental minister Ida Auken – on behalf of the European Union – signed a joint statement on March 14. The European Union and China founded the China Europe Water platform (CEWP), as a continuation of the EU-China river basin management programme that is about to end. The new platform is expected to have a wider scope and will also address water scarcity. Southern Europa and China share many similar water problems.
Still much to learn
According to Paul van Meel who leads the technical assistance team of the current EU-China river basin management programme, the cooperation between EU and China concentrates on three main items. “In the field of watersheds and soil erosion China is far ahead of Europe and Europe can learn a lot from China. Whereas flood protection is concerned, the situation is more equal. In regard of water quality management China can still learn from Europe.”
Also read on this website
● WWF6 – Many successful meetings and presentations at Netherlands pavilion, 17 March 2012
● WWF6 – Even Dutch water authorities struggle with seasonal drought, 16 March 2012
● WWF6 – Preservation of wetlands pays back in supply of food and fresh water, 15 March 2012
● WWF6 – Global water governance hampered by sovereignty, 14 March 2012
● WWF6 – Delta alliance potential backbone for roadmap to resilient deltas, 14 March 2012
● WWF6 – Prince of Orange praises achievement MDG for drinking water, 13 March 2012
●WWF6: the Marseille meetings on unprecedented collaboration for safe water access, 12 March 2012
● WWF6: Unique Dutch delta act as solution for climate adaptation, 8 March 2012
More information
6th World Water Forum 2012 - Marseille
AGT Netherlands
AGT International/Custodia
The Hague, the Netherlands
+31 70 363 4110
EU-China River Basin Management Programme (RBMP)
Zhengzhou, China
China Europe Water Platform