dws-acacia-kenya-workshop-participants-770pxConsultancy firm Acacia Water held a workshop in Kenya early July on local implementation of complex water supply and demand tasks. The goal of the work session was to optimize the planning process of the government.

Balancing demand and supply
Balancing water demand and supply has been more important than ever in Kenya last year. Heavy rainfall, floods and droughts followed rapidly. With good management, it can be balanced. From the Kenya Rapid project, Acacia Water contributes to the practical implementation of these complex management issues.

dws-acacia-kenya-workshop-dried-up-river-350px Sand dams in a river can be a good solution to store fresh water, but it gets complex when the river runs dry.

Finding solutions in context
The workshop was conducted by Stefan de Wildt and Sieger Burger of Acacia Water. According to Sieger Burger complex water issues are difficult to approach as solutions vary from place to place. ‘During the work session we first determined the water demand, which is often a comprehensive process, but it is an important process. Then we looked at the supply side and the amount of water available by collection and storage of rainwater.’

‘The solutions are always designed and tested regarding the local, physical context’, Burger continued. ‘Hereby we develop unique and fitting solutions in every context’.

Sand dams
Prior to the work session in Kenya, Stefan de Wildt was in Ethiopia for the completion of three sand dams.

Sand dams are a good example of a practical and appropriate solution to bring supply and demand into balance. During (heavy) rainfall, part of the water is captured and stored in the dam and used in times of drought.

This news item was originally published on the website of Acacia Water.

(Top photo: Acacia Water)

Read also on this website
Acacia Water develops water buffering masterplan for Darfur, Western Sudan, 14 June 2018
IGRAC and Acacia mapped potential of Merti aquifer as reliable groundwater source for Kenya, 2 July 2015
Country: Kenya

More information
Acacia Water
Gouda, the Netherlands
+31 182 686 424