Busy agenda for Dutch water experts at Stockholm Water week 2013
A large delegation of Dutch water experts will participate in seminars, workshops and side events of the Stockholm World Water Week 2013. This annual event will take place next week where 2.500 experts from all over the world will gather and discuss issues and solutions for the world's most urgent water resource challenges.
This year the Stockholm World Water Week will focus on Water Cooperation and Building Partnerships, in line with the 2013 UN designated International Year of Water Cooperation.
Many members of the Dutch delegation are involved in the organisation of certain events, as convenors or co-convenors. Other members will actually a give a presentation or participate in the discussion forums
A review of the programme of the Dutch delegation:
Sunday, 1 September
09:00-12:30 - Nature Based Solutions: Opportunities for Cooperation co-convenors: Rain Foundation, Wetlands International
12.45-13.45 - Achieving Justice through Transboundary Water Cooperation • A Hydro-diplomacy Perspective: Mr. Alexander Verbeek, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
14.00 - 17.30 - From Source to Sea – Towards a River to Coast and Seas Connected Future
co-convenor: Delta Alliance (incl. launch of the GWP/Delta Alliance Joint Programme of Activities)
14.00 - 178.30 - Strengthening the Basis for Water Cooperation across Borders
co-convenor: The Netherlands National Committee IHP-HWRP
• Do We Need a Home for the UNWC? Mr Alexander Verbeek, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
17.45 - 18.45 - Human Rights and Integrated River Basin Management
convenor: Both ENDS
• Welcome and Introduction. Ms. Thirza Bronner, Both ENDS, The Netherlands
Monday, 2 September
12.45 - 13.45 - The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) for water and wetlands report
co-convenor: Wetlands International
14.00 - 17.30 - Collaboration in Networks for Water Capacity Development
co-convenors: Unesco-IHE & WaterNet
14.00 - 17.30 - Private Sector: Taking Collaboration to the Next Level
co-convenors: Unilever; Vitens Evides International
Tuesday, 3 September
10.30 - 10.45 Stockholm Junior Water Prize: Jury interview Dutch participants Kimberly Schoenmaker and Lotte Hoes, Christian Lyceum Zeist
9.00 - 12.30 - Cooperation to Prevent Harmful Chemicals in the Water Cycle
• Micro plastiscs - A New Challenge for the Water Industry? Dr. Greet De Gueldre, Aquafin, and Mr. Michaël Bentvelsen, UVW
9.00 - 12.30 - How Can Corporate Water Stewardship Partnerships Benefit Society? (broadcasted)
• Fishbowl Discussion: How to Ensure Sustainability and Long Term Benefits for Society, with panelist Danielle Hirsch, Both Ends
14.00 - 17.30 - Cooperation for Sustainable Benefits and Financing of Water Programmes
• Barriers for Implementation of Green Adaption. Exploring the Opportunities of Private Financing. Dr. Monica Altamirano, Deltares, Netherlands
14.00 - 17.30 - LAC Focus: Collaboration in Watershed Management and Conservation
• Promoting Private Sector Water Stewardship to Address Water Imbalance. Mr. Ron Bohlmeijer, Heineken
14.00 - 17.30 - Tools to Improve Cooperation and Dialogue in River Basins
Convenor: Water Footprint Network
• Water Footprint Assessment Tool: Delving into River Basins. Dr. Ashok Chapagain, WFN, The Netherlands
• Why do We Need This Work? What Economists Can Offer? Mr. Niels Vlaanderen, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands
Wednesday, 4 September
9.00- 12.30 - Changing Relationships: ICT to Improve Water Governance (broadcasted)
Convenor: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (co-convenors: Akvo, Water Integrity Network)
9.00 - 12.30 - Partnerships for Financing Sanitation in Poor Urban Areas
• Costs and Service Level Data: What Role Do they Play in Decision Making? Mr. Patrick Moriarty, IRC, The Netherlands
9.00 - 12.30 - Water and Peace Diplomacy: From Conflicts to Cooperation
Convenor: UPEACE Centre The Hague
• Making the Case for Water Diplomacy. Dr. Abiodun Williams, THIGJ, The Netherlands, and Ms. Vanessa Tobin, CRS
9.00 - 12.30 - Sharing Water: Engaging Business
• Why is Business Engagement Critical? Ms. Jane Madgwick, Wetlands International
12.45 - 13.45 Turning Integrity Challenges into Opportunities
Co-convenor: Water Integrity Network
14.00 - 16.00 - Facilitating Cooperation between Generations to Solve 'Wicked Water Problems'
• Participation in Young Professionals Panel: Ms. Rozemarin te Horst, ter H2orst: Water Projects
14.00 - 17.30 - Transboundary Water Cooperation - External and Internal Drivers
• Factors enabling Transboundary Groundwater cooperation: A Global Analysis. Ms. Kirstin Conti, International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre, The Netherlands
14.00 - 17.30 - Demonstrating Cooperation by Driving Transformational Change on Sanitation and Hygiene
Co-convenor: Unilever
14:00 - 17.30 - UN-Water Seminar: Exploring the Water-Energy Nexus (broadcasted)
• Opening Statement by UN-Water Vice-Chair. Mr. Bert Diphoorn, UN-Habitat
16.00 - 17.00 - Getting into the Water
• Panelist Mr. Jos van Dalfsen, Wetsus, Centre of excellence for sustainable water technology
17.45 - 18.45 - Workshop Poster Session: Linking science, practice and policy under increasing complexity and uncertainty
• Combining Economic Benefits of New Water Allocations with Political Action Plans for the Mountain Aquifer Shared by Israel and Palestine. Mr. Ebel Smidt, Delft University, The Netherlands
17.45 - 18.45 - Scaling Sanitation in Slums
Convenor: Cordaid (co-convenor: WASTE and World WaterNet )
• Going Dutch: Why the Dutch might have the Answer to the Challenge of Up-Scaling Sanitation. Ms. Jacqueline Barendse, WASTE Foundation
• From Sanitation Service to Agriculture Outlet: Why a Toilet is Only the Start of a Sanitation Value Chain. Mr. Evert van Walsum, Cordaid
• The Incredible Sanitation Quiz. Ms Natasja Fraters, Cordaid
Thursday, 5 September
9.00 - 12.30 - Science and Art of Water Cooperation co-convenor: Unesco-IHE
• Introduction of the Workshop. Prof. Pieter van der Zaag, UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands
9.00 - 12.30 - The Human Rights-based Approach to Cooperation in Water Sanitation and Hygiene
Panellist: Ms. V. Tjon-A-Ten, Dutch Parliament, The Netherlands
9.00 - 12.30 - Eflows: Bridging Climate, Political and Institution Borders
Co-convenor: Unesco-IHE
14.00 - 17.30 - Broadening Meaning & Practice of Water Operators Partnership •
• A Case of WOP between Dunea and Mwauwasa from Africa on WOPs and Cooperation. Ms. Wilma Berentsen, AbvaKabo FNV, and Mr. Leo Nijland, Dunea
14.00 - 17.30 - Water Scarcity and Risk Mapping Using Geo and Satellite Data
• Panelist: Mr. Alfio Mianzan, Shell Oil, The Netherlands
Dutch-based organisations participating in the exhibition
• Dutch WASH Alliance
• Reed Elsevier
• International Water Week Amsterdam 4-8 November 2013
• IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
More information
Full programme of the Stockholm Water Week 2013
More on Stockholm Water Week on this site
- Stockholm water week: New platform addresses conflicting claims over fresh water use, 5 September 2013
- Stockholm water week: Tata Group breaks ground with industrial water footprint, 4 September 2013
- Stockholm water week: Collaboration with private sector make water suppliers aware water delivery is a service, 4 September 2013
- Stockholm water week: “Put nature-based solutions at the heart of sustainable WASH”, 3 September 2013
- Stockholm Water Week: Dutch activities on the exhibition floor, 3 September 2013
- Stockholm Water Week: “Only collective action can deliver water services that last”, 3 September 2013
- Student's idea Green Cities chosen as Dutch entry for Stockholm Junior Water Prize, 16 June 2013