Eliquo-VEEC about to open waste water treatment plant in Binh Duong, Vietnam
Dutch-Vietnamese consortium Eliquo-Veec is well advanced in the construction of a new waste water treatment plant Di An, Tân Uyên for three cities in Binh Duong province. The operational start-up of the treatment plant is expected for the first quarter of next year.
At its completion, the plant will serve a population of around 145,000 people and 600 small and medium enterprises (SME’s) by the year 2020. The project is supported by the Dutch financing facility for infrastructure development (ORIO).

New facilities in whole province
End user BIWASE has upgraded and expanded its water supply infrastructure over the past 10 years, and is now consequent implementing new facilities for sewage collection and treatment in order to facilitate the economic sustainable growth of Binh Duong province.
The design and construction of the new wwtp started in 2017, following the signing of a contract between the end user BIWASE and the consortium of Vietnamese water technology firm VEEC and Dutch water technology firm Eliquo.
The plant comprises a two-stage screening, a grit and fat removal stage and a biological treatment section of four SBR reactors of 4,000 m3 each.
Prior to the discharge to surface water, final effluent will be treated by UV-disinfection.
Green field
The consortium will ensure the construction and start-up, commissioning and put into operation of the complete ‘green field’ wastewater collection and treatment system.

Additionally, a substantial support will be included for the guidance of installation of supplied equipment, technology transfer and start-up & commissioning of the new treatment works will be included in the Consortium’s scope.
The new treatment plant will meet the strict discharge requirements of the Vietnamese class A standards.
New opportunities
“This project allows Eliquo to export their decades of outstanding experience on the realisation of basic wastewater treatment plants over the world”, said managing director Rick Langereis of Eliquo.
As European main wastewater infrastructure facilities reached a substantial level on coverage of demands, new green field opportunities hardly occur in Eliquo’s European home markets.
In these home markets, Eliquo is nowadays developing high innovative projects, which are substantially focusing on advanced energy - and nutrient recovery from wastewater.
(all photo’s by Eliquo)
Read also on this website
• Next-step sludge treatment integrates three advanced technologies at wwtp Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 20 June 2016
• Dutch-Vietnamese agreement on grant for new waste water treatment plant in Phu My, Vietnam, 1 April 2016
• Vitens Evides International opens new water supply plant for Soc Trang city, Vietnam, 8 May 2015
• Expertise: Water for all
• Country: Vietnam
More information
Eliquo Water & Energy
Barneveld, the Netherlands
+31 342 744 100