dws-aiww-conference-poster-770pxMany utilities, industries and cities in the world are already convinced that climate adaptation and resource recovery are absolutely fundamental to meet today's complex water issues.

They know that a longer term perspective is necessary but they want to act now. Meeting the water challenges head-on and implementing integrated solutions.

Professionals seeking these solutions are more than welcome to join the two-day international conference of the Amsterdam International Water Week 2015 that takes place on 4 and 5 November.

The conference coincides with the Aquatech Amsterdam trade exhibition on water technology.

dws-aiww2015-conference-sagen-350px  Many young water professionals will participate. Here seen is AIWW ambassador Marie Sagen speaking at the conference in 2013.

Many cross-cutting issues
The organisers of the conference have been successful in getting many water professionals to Amsterdam to share their experiences on implementing innovative solutions that cross borders between water and sanitation, coastal and urban development, food, agriculture, finance and governance.

This year's conference focusses on two themes, resilient cities and circular economy.

The programme has inspiring keynotes, workshops, sessions, debates and many networking opportunities.

Three tracks
Each day starts with a key note to set the scene and trigger the discussion. For the remaining day the programme has three tracks that run simultaneously.

All three tracks will end with a leaders forum looking ahead on what is needed to transfer to more resilient cities and a circular economy.

Shape future cities
The urban resilience track features workshops and sessions that help shape the future of our cities. This track closes with an AIWW Resilient Cities Leaders Forum moderated by special Dutch water envoy Henk Ovink.

The conference coincides with the Aquatech Amsterdam trade exhibition that will have a special pavilion on storm water. Excursions and field trips are organized to urban resilience projects in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.


Roadmap for water utilities
The urban utilities track offers an array of interesting workshops on hot topics such as resource recovery, smart loss reduction and performance assessment. This track also closes with an AIWW Utilities Leaders Forum that aims to establish a roadmap for utilities to transform to the circular economy. Keynote speaker will be Geoff Gage, Partner at McKinsey & Company.

At the Aquatech Amsterdam trade exhibition over 800 water technology companies will show their latest products and services. Excursions and field trips have been planned to 'living labs' and innovative water treatment plants.


Reducing industrial water footprint
The industry track focusses on reduction of the water footprint and how to turn water risks into opportunities. Workshops include a more sustainable water use in the textile industry, water stewardship in the mining industry and efficient water use in agriculture.

High level executives will attend the Industry Leaders Forum that is to a framework for Industrial water pathways in a circular economy.

At the Aquatech Amsterdam trade exhibition there will be presentations by industrial water users during the whole week. Excursions and field trips have been planned to 'living labs' and industrial water users such as the Heineken brewery.


Complex water issues
Fixing a water problem with a filter and a tape is no longer enough. Today's water problems are complex and a good solution at one location may not work elsewhere.

Amsterdam International Water Week 2015 aims to be a platform to exchange experiences with integrated solutions.

Or as German professor Harro Bode of Ruhrverband - and co-organiser of the urban utilities track - put it: "Water utilities around the world have different challenges. Water problems require local solutions, I invite you to come to Amsterdam to listen, to ask questions and to understand your fellow water experts. We can learn from each other tremendously."

It is still possible to register for the international conference.

Make the connection: Come to the Amsterdam international water week!

Read also on this website
● Festive ceremony to kick off packed programme 3rd Amsterdam international water week, the Netherlands, 21 October 2015
● Aqua Match 2015 prolonged registration for matchmaking during Aquatech Amsterdam, 20 October 2015
● Four young entrepreneurs announced as nominees for special Sarphati Sanitation award 2015, 16 October 2015
● IWW/Aquatech: Collective call for integrated water solutions at opening ceremony, 5 November 2013

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