dws-nijhuis-azomures-clarifier-azomures-770pxRomanian fertilizer producer Azomures and Dutch water technology supplier Nijhuis Industries officially inaugurated a low-cost and robust biological waste water treatment plant on 20 September.

The plant treats 22.000 cubic meters wastewater per day, containing high concentrations of nitrogen. By using Nijhuis' Bioctor technology the wwtp-plant has a small footprint and a low energy consumption.

Azomures decided to build a new plant to meet new Romanian regulations for discharging effluent into the Tîrgu Mures river.

dws-nijhuis-azomures-aerial-350px  Azomures' fertilizer production facility near Târgu Mures, Romania.

Two Bioctor-systems
The total project, consisting of the modernization of Azomures' urea and ammonia installation as well as wastewater treatment, is one of the largest wwtp plants in Romania.

Nijhuis installed two parallel biological Bioctor-melamine systems consisting of pre- and post-denitrification tanks, aeration tanks and clarifier systems.

Aeration control
The Bioctor-melamine system is a specially designed version of Nijhuis' Bioctor, a range of biological waste water treatment technologies.

A special feature of this series is the measurement of the oxygen demand of the incoming waste water. This enables the control of the amount of aeration and programming of the aeration process in such a way that power consumption is minimal.

dws-nijhuis-azomures-ribbon2-350px Ribbon-cutting ceremony including CEO Menno Holterman (left) at Nijhuis Industries, Lucian Goga (middle) of Mures County and General director Mihai Aniţei (right) at Azomures.

Low operating expenditures
In July 2014, Nijhuis Industries won the turnkey contract for Azomures and was challenged to design a wwtp-plant with a small footprint within the available plot of land.

Azomures also requested a robust design based on the lowest possible operating expenditures (OPEX).

Fast-track project 
One year later, by mid November 2015, the plant was commissioned and since then over 5,500,000 cubic meters of wastewater has been treated and discharged to the Mures river.

Since 1 January 2016 the values are monitored daily by the operators and the Nijhuis monitoring team.

According to Nijhuis the plant shows good results that comply to strict Romanian and European effluent requirements.

This news item was originally published on the website of Nijhuis Industries.

Read also on this website
IFAT 2016: A record of 14 water treatment innovations showcased by Nijhuis Industries, 6 June 2016
● Nijhuis to deliver largest pre-fabricated flotation unit to oil refinery in Kazakhstan, 3 May 2016
Nijhuis Water Technolgy and Witteveen+Bos to build new wwtp for fertilizer producer Azomures, Romania, 20 November 2014
● Country: Romania

More information
Nijhuis Industries
Doetinchem, the Netherlands
+31 314 749 000