Climate change and biodiversity loss are putting pressure on the liveability of deltas worldwide. This also has major consequences in the Netherlands. An integrated approach aimed at the sustainable and climate-proof use of land and water systems is necessary.

NL2120 is a unique partnership between Government bodies, civil society organisations, companies, and knowledge and educational institutes that is jointly searching for practical, nature-based solutions to climate change. On 28 May, NL2120 partners celebrated the start of a 10 year long knowledge programme.

Alex Hekman, Chairman of NL2120, speaking at NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape
Alex Hekman, Chairman of NL2120, speaking at NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape
Alex Hekman, Chairman of NL2120, speaking at NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape
Alex Hekman, Chairman of NL2120, speaking at NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape

The Dutch Government has invested 110 million euros, of which 40 million euros are conditional, in a knowledge and innovation programme called NL2120 to absorb climate impacts and restore biodiversity while maintaining the country’s productive capacity and strengthening its prosperity widely.

According to Alex Hekman, Chairman of NL2120, “The Netherlands is the champion in manufacturability. We have shaped the landscape to our advantage through coastal protection using steel and concrete, and we are lowering the water level to make land usable. But technical solutions have their limits. In this knowledge programme, we focus on nature-based solutions that match the natural characteristics of the water and soil systems. Nature-based solutions are better at conserving biodiversity and are more resistant to climate change.” 

NL2120 leaders, participants and partner organisations, celebrated the start of the programme on 28 May. The celebration was filled with enthusiastic speeches, engaging activities and discussions, and shared ambitions. During the event, Hekman shared a reflection of the past, present and future of nature-based solutions in the Netherlands saying “It’s time for a new story for the Netherlands! A story in which functions are not at the expense of nature, so that nature and quality of life go hand in hand. That is why we have united in NL2120! NL2120 works together with nature.”

Aerial view of the sand motor project. Photo: Rijkswaterstaat.
Sand motor. Photo: Rijkswaterstaat.
Aerial view of the sand motor project. Photo: Rijkswaterstaat.
Sand motor. Photo: Rijkswaterstaat.

Advocating nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions are increasingly accepted and are seen as a catalyst for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations Global Biodiversity Framework, the European Green Deal and so on. Yet, a push is needed for nature-based solutions to become the norm. By combining knowledge development and practical experience, NL2120’s integrated approach enriches and deepens knowledge and applies this knowledge to a local context.

Well-known examples of nature-based solutions in the Netherlands include coastal reinforcement with sand and silt, such as the Sand Motor in the province of South Holland, natural buffer areas to protect against river flooding, and the use of smart green solutions to capture water and cool cities. In the coming months, the working groups in the knowledge programme will strengthen NL2120’s foundation and identify promising solutions that can be applied and scaled up in existing programmes straightaway.

Hekman explains that “We will not only apply the knowledge and insights generated by this programme in our own country, but also export them. In addition to climate-proofing the Netherlands, the knowledge programme will also increase our country’s earning capacity. After all, the challenges of delta cities and subsidence areas are global and are not limited to the Netherlands.”

The NL2120 knowledge and innovation programme has a term of 10 years and is expected to generate a cumulative growth of Dutch GDP of 1 billion euros.

Group photo of attendees of NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape
Attendees of NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape.
Group photo of attendees of NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape
Attendees of NL2120's kickstart event. Photo: Autumn Dukich / EcoShape.

Dutch partners

NL2120, which is financed through the Dutch National Growth Fund, is one of the largest partnerships in the world in the field of nature-based solutions.

The NL2120 consortium consists of: EcoShape (Arcadis, Boskalis, HKV, Royal HaskoningDHV, Sweco, Van Oord, Witteveen+Bos and others); the province of Friesland; the municipalities of Dordrecht and Rotterdam; Staatsbosbeheer; the Deltares, Wageningen University & Research, TU Delft, TU Twente, Utrecht University knowledge institutions; a wide range of NGOs (ARK Rewilding NL, De Noordzee, IUCN NL, IVN, Natuur & Milieu, Natuur & Milieu Federaties, Natuurmonumenten, SoortenNL, Vogelbescherming and WWF–NL); and, representatives of the CoE Delta Platform, CoE Groen and CIV Groen (Hogeschool van Hall Larenstein & HZ UAS) educational institutions.

This news item is based on content originally published on the websites of EcoShape and Wageningen University & Research.