Simavi goes for acceleration of access to water and sanitation in East Indonesia
Public health foundation Simavi started, together with five local partners, the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene in East Indonesia (Sehati) programme to accelerate access to sustainable sanitation and hygiene facilities and sustain improvements in hygiene behaviour and practices.
The five local partners are Yayasan Dian Desa, Plan International, CD Bethesda, Rumsram, Yayasan Masyarakat Peduli. Knowledge centre IRC Wash supports the programme.
The aim is universal access to sanitation by 2019.

Community-lead total sanitation
Building on the success of its first sanitation, hygiene and water (Shaw) programme in Indonesia, Simavi intends to engage more the governmental actors, private section and local communities.
These stakeholders will be equipped with models, approaches, tactics, tools and skills to achieve full coverage in their districts.
The Shaw programme had a reach out to 1.5 million people in Indonesia to practice healthy behaviors. It builds on all five pillars of Indonesia's national sanitation programme Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM):
● open defecation free communities
● washing hands with soap and running water at critical moments
● household water treatment and safe storage of water and food
● solid waste management
● liquid waste management
Strengthen capacity of stakeholders
However, in its present form, it would take a long time and over 1 billion euro for the current SHAW approach to reach the entire rural population in East Indonesia.
Therefore the new Sehati programme is based on a more efficient model that will still achieve the same valuable impact.
This adjusted model will accelerate progress in sanitation and hygiene by strengthening the capacity of local government actors at district, sub-district and community level, private sector sanitation entrepreneurs and other local stakeholders.

Full access in next 3.5 years
With the Sehati programme, Simavi wants to achieve 100 percent STBM in expanded areas of the Shaw programme.
By 2018 it envisions that local government authorities in seven districts in Eastern Indonesia will ensure sustainable sanitation and hygiene through the implementation of the five STBM-pillars.
The ultimate goal is to develop a workable model that can be applied anywhere in Indonesia and has the potential to accelerate progress towards achieving universal coverage of water and sanitation in the whole of Indonesia.
This news item was originally published on the website of Simavi.
Read also on this website
● Stockholm world water week: Let’s accelerate WASH, let’s do it differently, 27 August 2015
● IRC and Simavi call for universal access to water also in schools, clinics and at work, 5 December 2014
● Project: Upgrading Water Supply in Health Facilities of Dodoma Region, Tanzania
● Country: Indonesia
More information
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